Practicing self compassion

Practicing self compassion is a part of our lives that is mostly neglected and given less attention.In our present day,we are taught to give grace to others bur never ourselves!!

Don’t you deserve grace from you?
Shouldnt you cut yourself some slack sometimes?
It’s okay to pay attention to how you feel,what made you act a certain way.It’s okay to give grace to yourself sometimes.
Learn to be kind to yourself and learn to love up on yourself.

How do certain things happen to you and you’re beating yourself up over them!you don’t give yourself some space to try and fail!!!

You’re not a superhuman
You would probably try a couple of times before you get it right

Celebrate your little wins
And move on from failures quickly
You make progree by being kind to yourself
Keeps you in a place where you are able to make room for more exploration

Give grace to yourself just as you do to others

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