No Togetherness || No Goal

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For any organization to reach its target and get a better result, it needs a division of labour and not just division of labour but also the power of togetherness which brings about one mind and one goal although we all know that as humans we will always have different thought pattern and mindset based on our experiences, cultural, and environmental upbringing notwithstanding, if an organization can hand pick who share their same goal or slightly, with the power of diversity and togetherness they can come out strong and fulfilled because everyone is hands on deck and working for the same purpose.

An adage says "It is easier to break a stick of a broom and more difficult to break a bundle of broom tied together", in a house or organization where there is unity, togetherness, and division of labour, regardless of the challenges, it can never deter them from their goal or cause conflict, it can only make them bond better and strong and push them to work harder and better.

I remember in the Old Testament given in Genesis 11:1–9, " According to Genesis, the Babylonians wanted to make a name for themselves by building a mighty city and a tower “with its top in the heavens.” They came together and started working with one mind and God saw that they were indeed going to build so high if he didn't stop them, "God disrupted the work by so confusing the language of the workers that they could no longer understand one another. The city was never completed, and the people were dispersed over the face of the earth."

The power of togetherness and division of labour can make a group of small people so mighty, and can make a small organization become not just goal-oriented but the greatest organization. With their mindset, they could bring to crumble whomever or whatever they decide to bring down with so much because they all understand their work, strengths, flaws, weaknesses, and power.

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They know how to play it when to play it, and what they are looking at even in the absence of their leader, even when a person is missing or absent, it isn't going to be obvious because they all will come together to stand in the gap and stand for the person.

An organization can not strive and maximize its full potential if there is no division of labour and togetherness, the same way a marriage can not work if there is no division of labour and togetherness, it isn't about age, although age is a factor when there is no maturity in the mind, division of labour and togetherness can not abode.

These two work hand in hand and need to be incorporated not just in organizations but also in marital affairs and when dealing with people. It takes "Two to Tango" so definitely if both parties do not understand the concept of togetherness and division of labour, there is not going to be any tangoing, meaning nothing tangible will be produced from that partnership, friendship, relationship, marriageship.

When there is a division of labour and togetherness, it is easy to curb challenges, it is easy to work as a team to face and tackle any challenges that we face irrespective of how big and stressful those challenges may be. Division of labour and the power of togetherness brings about teamwork and this isn't only about organizations, marriages, relationships, and friendships also need a division of labour and togetherness to strife and strive to be able to attain goals, dreams, ambitions and visions.

Thank you for reading!!!

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