If charity begins at home

Thinking deeply, I think the phase "charity begins at home" has different meanings even though they're related somehow.


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Earlier this year, my street caught a thief—or let me call him an armed robber because he was caught with weapons like a small cutlass. Before that time, there had been theft cases where people would wake up to find their window nets torn and things like phones and laptops missing. Most of the time, this thief would nearly be caught, and shouts would erupt at night. I'm grateful it has never occurred to me🙏.

When this guy was caught early in the morning of that day, we all gathered at the scene. Surprisingly, the caught thief was an indigene, and when traced, it was discovered that his father was also into stealing when he was alive. On the spot, one of the ladies who gathered at the scene added, "charity begins at home."

This is life for us. Oftentimes, the traits we witness while growing up are hard to leave behind, which is why it's said that a child should be trained in a good way so that when he matures, that lifestyle will speak for him. Unfortunately, the lifestyle the man (thief) picked up from home is speaking for him in a very bad way, and people who are known to be related to him would regret knowing such a person.

Isn't that an attitude picked from home??

Just like me, my family is known to detest anything associated with stealing, and if by any means I am found in such a spot or arrested by police because I stole something, people who know me or my family will vouch for me because that lifestyle is not in us. Even if I actually stole, people would find it unbelievable.

Another way in which the phrase is described is by portraying how it is good to start from home or family first before extending to others. It means considering family first before any other group of persons. This is more like loving one's self first before loving others. After all, we were taught to love one another as we love ourselves, which means loving ourselves first.

Your charitable lifestyle should be traced to home!


A lot of people these days would leave their struggling families at home and go out to spend their money, which is very bad. Many people would prefer to buy cars for their girlfriends and have nothing for their wives at home. The most common example is how people go about showering gifts and praises on celebrities but hardly gift anything to their friends who are always with them.

All these acts are not being charitable; they're just based on pretense, doing things to get things in return. Genuine love, genuine giving comes from the heart and as such starts with family. It's not love if one is leaving family to go out and spend all the money. That's not love!

Thanks for stopping by!

This is for day 18th in the #julyinleo contest by the Inleo team.

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