My Journey to Finding Joy in Adversity

I can't forget the day my world happens turned upside down. I was tested Hepatitis B positive, which left me feeling lost and shattered. The storm of grief was overwhelming, and I didn't know how to navigate it, knowing fully well that there are people with same issue who has passed away.

There's this day I sat in total silence,thinking about people negative and positive words regarding Hepatitis patients, I remembered what my doctor said to me "Hepatitis is curable and thank God yours is at it early stage."

In that moment, I made a decision: I would dance in the storm.

It wasn't easy. There were days I felt like giving up, most nights I cried myself to sleep, and there are times I felt like I was losing control. But I held onto those words, and slowly, I began to find joy amidst the pain.

As I looked around, I saw others dancing in their own storms. A friend battling cancer, yet smiling. A single mother working two jobs, yet still reading bedtime stories to her kids.

Joy is not just a feeling, but a choice, a choice to see beauty in brokenness. When I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, the weight of negativity from people threatened to consume me. People's whispers, fearful stories about Hepatitis patients, and devastating stories of others' struggles cling over me. But I refused to let what ever they said define my situation. I chose to rise above the stigma, to find strength in vulnerability, and to see beauty in my resilience.

Though I am still struggling with it, I have discovered joy in the journey. I have learned to appreciate each small victory, each day of wellness, and each moment of connection with loved ones. I am more than my diagnosis.

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