Doormats Diaries With My BestiešŸ˜˜

Good day people of this amazing community. I hope you are all having a good day. Native Boy is here again to share with you how my awesome day is going.

Today did not start very well for me. I woke up today with a minor Vascular Occlusive Crisis (VOC). My left arm was heavy with some sharp pains inside my arm. As someone who suffers regular sickle cell crisis, this is something Iā€™ve gotten used to. Usually, on days like this, Iā€™ll just take two or more painkillers and start my day normally. But this year, I have planned to minimize taking painkillers due to their side effects, so I just took my regular folic acid.

I had planned to go get my new birth certificate at the regional births and deaths department, unfortunately, this new unwelcome guest has just thrown that plan inside the bin.

Instead of being at home doing nothing, I decided to go sit at my brotherā€™s doormat shop. My brother sells doormats and center floor carpets under a big neem tree opposite the Tamale Sports Stadium. Sitting under the tree, catching the awesome breeze, and watching the busy street could do me some relief, I thought to myself.

Fortunately, going to the doormat's shop turned out pretty well. I got another surprise, but this one was a very pleasant surprise. My best friend Naana came around. Naana is a nurse and today happened to be a day off for her.

Having Naana around made my day special. Sheā€™s a talkative and knows how to give gists in details. I enjoy being around her a lot. Sheā€™s never boring and sheā€™s always positive. Another unique thing I love about her is how she makes me forget about my sickness. Even though sheā€™s aware of my condition, sheā€™ll never mention it or even try to make a joke about it.

Itā€™s been a while since we saw each other so we had a lot to gist about. We talked about valentine's and how we are going to carry tomorrow on our heads. We talked about how we plan to choke everybody with love tomorrow. Naana and I are both in a very satisfying and productive relationships. Naana has been with her college boyfriend for almost four years now. I canā€™t wait to see them become couples finally.

Another favorite thing about Naanaā€™s visit was the food she came with. She brought some nice kenkey with groundnut soup and salmon fish. She knows Kenkey is my favorite and she knows how I like my kenkey. Naana understood the assignment and she delivered šŸ‘šŸæ I bought some cool zobo to wash everything down.

Let me not forget to mention that we spoke about football too. Naana is one of those girls who are very passionate about football. Sheā€™s an Arsenal fan so she had so much to rant about. I being a Liverpool fan, this conversation didnā€™t go quite well with me. Recently, Liverpool has tried to take my life with those consistent woeful performances. Iā€™m slowly losing faith in Klopp and his lads.

Even though today didnā€™t start quite well, I still think itā€™s fair to say today has been awesome. Having Naana around made all my sickle cell troubles vanish. Iā€™m glad to have a friend like her. I still feel some light pains around my shoulder but I hope everything will be okay by nightfall.

Thank you for reading my diary. Have an awesome dayšŸ‘

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