[ENG/ESP] A day of great excitement .


Friends of #dailyblog , today I want to share with you a moment that filled us all with joy and great emotion in our house.
My husband was presented with a diploma of excellence at the Wyndham hotel, where he has been working for some years now.
We left the house in the afternoon after 2:00pm, to be able to see the delivery of the diploma that would be at 3:00pm, the hotel is 15 minutes from home but we left an hour earlier in case something unforeseen arises, and to be able to go calmly, because the island in the afternoons is that they have more movement by the tourists who already begin to arrive for the carnival.
The way to the hotel was different because of the excitement that was taking us, we even saw the sky bluer than other days despite the time.

Amigos de #dailyblog , hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un momento que nos llenó de alegría y gran emoción a todos en nuestra casa.
A mí esposo le entregaron un diploma de superación en el hotel Wyndham, donde él trabaja hace ya algunos años.
Salimos en la tarde pasada las 2:00pm de la casa, para poder ver la entrega del diploma que sería a las 3:00pm, el hotel está a 15 minutos de casa pero salimos una hora antes por si surge algún imprevisto, y poder ir con calma , porque la Isla en las tardes es que tienen más movimiento por los turistas que ya comienzan a llegar para el carnaval.
El camino al hotel lo veíamos diferente por la emoción que nos llevaba, hasta veíamos el cielo más azul que otros días a pesar de la hora.


As we always like to share all our achievements together, we all headed to the hotel to enjoy this moment of joy that we will always remember fondly.

Como nos gusta siempre compartir todos nuestros logros juntos hacia el hotel nos dirigimos todos para poder disfrutar este momento de alegría que siempre recordaremos con cariño.




The hotel has its own rules, only a family member could enter the theater, we quickly decided that our son would be the one to enter, so he could take the pictures.
In the end the photos that I show you were donated to us by the managers in charge of the event, it was not allowed to take pictures, because you have to respect the criteria of all, we understand that, in the end we have the photos that we will keep with affection this moment well immortalized.

El hotel tiene sus propias reglas, solo un familiar podría entrar al teatro, decidimos rápidamente que nuestro hijo fuera el que entrara, para que pudiera tomar las fotos.
Al final las fotos que les muestro nos las donaron los gerentes a cargo del acto, no se permitía tomar fotografías, porque hay que respetar el criterio de todos , eso lo entendemos, al final tenemos las fotos que guardaremos con cariño este momento bien inmortalizado.



After the ceremony, we went out to celebrate at a nearby place, where we shared a delicious family pizza, because it was getting late in the afternoon.

Después del acto, salimos a celebrar a un lugar cercano, donde compartimos una deliciosa pizza familiar, porque ya comenzaba a caer la tarde.




We are not alcoholic drink lovers but my husband is a soda fanatic and it caused us a lot of laughter, because we went into the bodegón where there were drinks and liquors of all kinds and he asked for a soda and all eyes turned to us hahaha... we think it was kind of funny to see their faces as they looked at us strangely, but it was the ideal place to get the coldest soda because it was a product that nobody would ask for there.

Nosotros no somos amantes de la bebida alcohólica pero mi esposo es fanático del refresco y nos causó mucha risa, porque entramos al bodegón donde habían bebidas y licores de todos tipos y el pidió un refresco y todas las miradas se volcaron hacía nosotros jajaja... consideramos que fue algo cómico verles las caras como nos miraban con rareza, pero era el lugar ideal para conseguir el refresco más frío porque era un producto que allí nadie pediría.




We are not alcoholic beverage lovers but my husband is a soda fanatic and it caused us a lot of laughs, because we went into the store where there were drinks and liquors of all kinds and he asked for a soda and all eyes turned to us hahaha ... we think it was kind of funny to see their faces as they looked at us with weirdness, but it was the ideal place to get the coldest soda because it was a product that no one there would ask for.

Nos comimos nuestra pizza, conversamos y compartimos en esa cena los recuerdos que atesoraremos por siempre. Fue un momento sencillo pero lleno de felicidad, donde pudimos celebrar juntos la determinación que llevó a mi esposo a superarse para tener una mejor opción en el sector de hotelería y turismo y ser mejor remunerado en el futuro.
Después de celebrar nuestro momento, al caer la noche nos fuimos a casa con gran satisfacción.




Dear friends, this moment reaffirmed a little more the love and union that sustain us as a family, and I wanted to share it with you.
I bid you farewell wishing you an excellent evening.
See you soon.

Queridos amigos, este momento nos reafirmó un poco más el amor y la unión que nos sostienen como familia, y no quería dejar de compartirlo con ustedes.
Me despido deseándoles una excelente tarde .
Hasta pronto.

The photos were taken with a Bison X10 Pro
Photos donated by the Wyndham Hotel management.
DeepeL was used
Photos was made with Canvas

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