Hey, @DailyBlog Community!
it's my first post here, and I wanna share my great experience of using cheap and simple things for cleaning our house.

I like such easy and cheap recipes of anything - in food, cleaning, hobby, clothes, education - in everything.
I am sure that everything great doesn't need huge money, and it all can be done by very simple things.

Our ancestors didn't have most of our modern things, nevertheless, they could do everything, sometimes even better than we;)

We had an old sofa that weren't used for a long time, it was a sofa from my childhood. It was old and not clean.

I tried to clean it several times using market cleaning things - no results! I wasted time and got nothing.

Then I decided to seek for a nice cleaning company to refresh my sofa.
Prices were huge!!
about 50$ for 1 sofa!
And 2-3 hours of work.

I don't like to have unknown people at home.
I don't like their price.
And then I found a nice advice for cleaning using cheap items.

I wasn't sure it would work, but I wanted to try!

I took:

  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 3 spoons of any liquid for washing dishes
  • 3 spoons of vinegar
  • 3 spoons of soda

That's it!
Super cheap!!

Then we have to make foam. Much foam. It will be our main cleaning secret.
Using a sponge we put foam on the sofa.
Wait for 30 min.

Then we need nothing but much of clean water and time.
We just take a sponge and start to clean the sofa with clean water.
The sponge will take all dirt from the sofa thanks to our cleaning foam!

In such a way we will get a great clean sofa very soon!
Then we need to wait until it is dry.
It took 1 day for me.

And the result was great!

This method is much better than expensive market goods I had bought to make my poor sofa clean again!

Guys, do you know this cleaning secret?

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