Movie Night

I think it’s becoming a trend that all my outdoor activities are mostly unexpected.
So yesterday was a normal day as usual. I went to my sister’s warehouse to take stock of products. I was so tired and when I got home, I showered and fell asleep. Must have been around 5 pm.
I woke up later to pray and I just sat there scrolling through my phone and trying to think of what to eat cause I had only taken breakfast.
Then I realized my phone was low so I was searching for my charger and I went out of my room. Then my sister said i should get dressed cause we are going out to watch a movie.

Thinking of what to wear was a headache but it’s just to watch a movie so something casual.
The movie was at 10:30 pm. That’s the only information I had.

We got ready and left at 9:25 pm because our place is far from the venue.

What I gathered was that, it was my cousin’s friend’s birthday and she was going out to the birthday dinner and the movies was part of it.

So we got to the mall, she went to meet her friend for the dinner whilst I went with my sister to wait till it’s time for the movie. We got to the entrance of the cinema at 10 pm. We went to stand at a counter that we knew that’s where the tickets are sold but no one was there. We thought maybe we came too early. A lot of people started coming in and we assumed we are to watch the same movie but they didn’t come to stand with us.

So it occurred to us that we might be doing something wrong.

We looked around and found out that the tickets were being sold at a different counter. We now had to join the queue and by then, it was already 10:20 pm.

We got the tickets 5 minutes later and I finally found out what movie we were there to see.

The ticket came with free popcorn so we joined the queue for the popcorn and it was taking forever. I realized that one person can be ordering for over 5 people so we stood there and the queue wasn’t moving.

As at 10:40 pm, we were still in the queue and people had already gone in to watch the movie.

When we finally got the popcorn and drinks, we went to enter the cinema and they told us it’s full so they directed us to another one.

We got in and realized it’s empty. So we sat for a while for others to join.

They finally started the movie and I realized they were showing ‘The Woman King’ instead. I had watched a bit of it two weeks ago with @zzzinnn. My cousin also realized that’s not the movie cause she had also watched this one with some friends.

Someone took the step to notify the people that it’s a wrong movie and they changed it for us.

About an hour into the movie, they paused it and told us to move to a different room. You could hear everyone complaining but we complied.

By this time, I had already finished my popcorn because I was so hungry. I actually thought we would have gotten some food before we go for the movie.

We got into the other room and the movie continued from where it was paused. I’ve had difficulty in watching movies lately but because this one was so hyped, I decided to concentrate and I did not regret that! I loved every bit of it. Maybe I would write a review on it soon. I didn’t even watch the first one that came out so I’m now thinking whether I should watch it or not.
I didn’t want the movie to end but nothing is forever and I lost track of time. I can’t remember the last time I was out that late.

So after the movie was over, we took a couple of pictures. I hadn’t realized earlier that the place was Wakanda themed. There was a throne and a wall paper of Chadwick Boseman.

No one was getting any good pictures so we left since it was late anyway.

We waited outside for a while for my cousin’s friend to order a ride and when we finally left, it was 2:00 am.
The road was clear but the only stops we had were police checkpoints.

When we got home, it was 2:37 am.
I just sat next to my bed with my head on the pillow texting HIM and I dozed off.

all pictures are mine

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