Crazy Weather, Heavy Rain, Flood in Mama's Home, and Boiled Saba

"Going to the market yesterday to buy fish and vegetables for today's dish is the best decision I've ever made." That's what I thought while looking out our window and monitoring the water level in the small stream a few steps away from our house. It rained nonstop last night, but thankfully the rain stopped this morning. But then the nonstop rain last night resulted in a flood, and we were all in panic, so we put our stuff in a higher place while also getting ready to evacuate if ever the water reached our home.

It's not a typhoon yet, but just an LPA, or low pressure area, and look at the result. It already got inside Mama's house, she already put her pets on the higher ground, so they are safe. Pag-asa is still monitoring it, but I really hope this LPA just disappears and evaporates somewhere far away where no one will be affected. It's scary, you know. I've watched a lot of short video clips on Facebook showing how other countries are also experiencing flooding and landslides, and it's just so scary.

We are on high alert, but when we see that the water is slowly subsiding, that's when we start to feel a little better. It's just hard to act brave in this kind of time, you know, especially for me because I don't know how to swim and my mind is being affected by my overthinking. That's why it is really important to be more clear-headed in this kind of situation, or else you'll lose more hair by overthinking. Lolol

Anyhow, it was 2:30 p.m. when the sun started to show up. Just look how crazy the weather is. I took the first photo at 6:30 am when I bought pandesal outside, and looking at the other photo, it's like nothing happened (≧▽≦). But of course I am more than thankful because, finally, the rain stopped, there were no more floods in our area, and we could finally breathe. And the water in the small stream is continuously subsiding, so we are really, really thankful.

But wait, I thought we could already feel at ease because the sun has already shown up, but as of 5 p.m., the rain is starting again. But the good news is that the water in the small stream on the back has already subsided, and the water in Mama's house is all gone. We can only hope that this rain won't result in a flood again, especially since it's getting dark and the night is near.

By the way, here's a boiled banana as a snack this afternoon. It's perfect in this crazy kind of weather. Of course we are more alert now, it's just me and Mommy F at home because Mommy D decided to help and accompany her sister on their house. Mommy F often call her to check on her.

How's the weather in your area? Keep safe everyone!

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