A Food Shop Near Wide Green Fields: Accompanying Mama to the Clinic and Our Quick Food Trip


We had to visit a clinic because Mama needed a checkup. It's nothing serious, but it can be serious if we just take it lightly. So to be sure, we encourage her to go have a checkup. And so I accompany her into the nearby clinic. It is actually just 3 minutes away if we'll ride in a tricycle.

So here we are, already on our way to go to the clinic. I didn't change my clothes, I just wore my usual everyday outfit. I am just a chaperone, so it doesn't really need an effort to make me look more presentable, no? That would be just added dirty clothes I have to wash if I tried to be more like a human, lololol. I jokingly said to Mama that "we have to look poor so that we can get a discount." . But we really look poor no matter what we wear we just often wear comfy clothes because it's comfortable. Lol

So we finally arrived! We arrived there at 7:30, but the opening time is 8:30. So we had to wait there. What's good about this clinic is that their waiting area is open-air. Of course, the clinic is inside. But with the waiting area being like this, waiting is more bearable as we can breathe some fresh air outside no matter how hot it is. This clinic is actually surrounded by a wide green field. Although it's not that far on the main road, it looks like it is located in a secluded area.

The waiting area is really wide, there's more outside. They can accommodate lots of patients, thats for sure. I heard this is a private hospital, thats according to Mommy D. Anyways, the view here really is cool. I am a bit anxious during that time because what if Mama has a serious illness? I can't really help but overthink that day.

But the green scenery and the beautiful surroundings help me a lot to gather my thoughts and not to think negatively. And I just accepted that Mama is really getting older now and that I also have to accept that we can experience something like this from time to time as we get older.

I should get used to it and urge Mama to have a healthy lifestyle too. I think we are already living a healthy lifestyle, but we should really try more. And to be as healthy as these green and wild plants, we should make an effort too.

I just said healthy lifestyle, and then proceed on buying processed foods and sweet snacks, lol. I mean, we can all have a cheat day, yeah? Lol. Do you have a cheat day as well? Oh please, don't deny it, you have it too, righty? Lol

We got hungry waiting, so we decided to visit the food shop in here. It's literally just beside their pharmacy. Yep, this clinic has their own pharmacy, so I guess they are really private. And this shop has lots of snacks too, which will surely save you from hunger.

They don't have cooked foods though, although they sometimes serve pasta like spaghetti. That day, they have Leche Flan too, but we don't have much money in our pocket, so even though we want it, we turn our back on that creamy and delicious sweet dessert. Oh, we're devastated (个_个).

In the end, we just bought their siomai, one order is 4 pieces for 20 PHP only. It's the siomai that can be bought in the market. It's okay, it's still fulfilling. Our growling tummy stopped making a sound thanks to these precious foods. Ehe.


And then I got these sweet snacks for dessert, lol. It is an ice-scramble flavor. I couldn't finish it because it was too sweet. So Mama finished it for me. When we finished having a snack, that's when the doctor arrived, and they started right away.

Mama got called, and I just waited for her outside. I was waiting nervously, seriously! Mama didn't stay that long inside. I think it's only for 5 minutes. She got out holding a bunch of papers. Some are prescriptions, and there's one with a checklist of the test that Mama had to take. It's like it is their partner hospital.

We then go travel back home, ah, but we didn't go to our house yet. We had to make a little detour and visit the market to buy the medicines and some ingredients for lunch.


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