There Will Always Be A Day Like This.

If you ask me how my day went, I’d tell you I had an amazing day. Well, that’s not because my day went well but I don’t like to say negative things. I’ve always been guilty of saying negative things but I want to make a change. My day wasn’t really good but in all situations, we gotta thank God.

My mum has been in the hospital for four days and I’ve been the one managing her shop. I left my business to manage hers since my sister can always manage our business. Today, I went to the market to buy the things we needed for the shop.

When the driver came, we packed the goods inside the bus and the rain started immediately. The rain was really heavy but we chose to pass the fastest route even though the road wasn’t really good. We never knew it was going to be flooded since it has been falling in my area since but we never knew. When we got to a particular place which was just ten minutes from home, our bus got hooked in the water and couldn’t move. The driver tried his best but our efforts were futile.
At first, I was scared of getting down from the bus but I had no choice since people wanted to help us push the car. Let’s take a look at the picture I took first for you to know the level of the water.




Then we tried pushing the car but it couldn’t move because of the sand on that floor. We had over six people who pushed with us and it didn’t move too so we were advised to wait till the water reduces. That’s what we did and we were able to push it after sitting for over three hours. Unfortunately, the car didn’t start on time. We spent an extra hour with the car before it could start. Then I got home six hours after leaving the house which wasn’t supposed to be more than one hour.


I wanted to start complaining but I began to think about the days I didn’t have issues. I think this is the only bad day I’ve had this year and I’m grateful for that. Everyday can’t be a good day. There are days like this and I’m grateful I got home safe.

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