Micah loves to do heavy work but what is it?

Hey everyone, hope this finds you all doing well. My post for today will be about Micah and his love for heavy work. Have you heard of this before? I haven't until recently, but when I did hear of it I could see how much Micah loved it and how often he does it.
According to Google.. What is heavy work for autism?
Heavy work is any type of activity that pushes or pulls against the body. It could be something like swimming or vacuuming. With those activities, the resistance of the water or the vacuum cleaner creates the push or pull. Or it could be something like jumping on a trampoline or hanging on playground equipment.
It helps with their sensory to help "ground" them. It can help with their focus, and motor coordination.

Pulling the trash to the bins is One of Micah's favourite activities. He LOVES to walk! And especially pulling the wagon (with or without anything in it) or pushing his stroller.

Micah also likes to imitate his daddy. Doing the same things he sees his daddy do.

Here his daddy is helping him with incline pushups
Won't be long, he'll be doing Farmer walks with his daddy🤭🥰

In the short, he's pulling 40lbs of chicken feed across the yard for me. Couple of weeks back there was 80lbs of feed in the wagon. He pulled it effortlessly across the yard. He amazes me all the time on how strong he is.

In conclusion, heavy work is vital for Micah. It grounds him, helps him release pent-up energy and is just plain fun. He loves it and I love watching him do it. 🥰

If you know someone that has a child with autism or are interested in learning more about heavy work check out the following link..

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