A little story

I've been hearing alot about colour theory for a long while and I never really bothered going in depth into it. I was never really a colour person,I mean I don't colour my drawings or sketches. I like them in black and white and grey,it represents me in a way(I'm such an extremely quiet person sometimes, you'd think there's a storm with heavy rainfall going on in my head).

These pictures have been sitting in my gallery for awhile now and I've been contemplating talking about them so here goes.

A picture of a colouring book I got before I turned 10, it was like a year before I broke one of my incisors. My dad got highlighters,crayons,some drawing pencils, sketchbooks and a colouring book.

I was so so happy,the thought of having those was much more exciting and jovial than the thought of eating junk foods. And I am a simp for junk food!

My point is; I believe in exploring and tiny things making us happy. If I get a set of gifts like these now, I'll be so happy, I'd go smiling for days (and that's a first).This should be one of my favourite childhood memory that I can clearly remember. I don't know,I tend to forget things a lot, it's sad and really healthu for me at the same time. Ignore whatever trash I just said.

Thanks for reading! I highly believe you'd enjoy this more if you hear my voice.. my voice sounds like shit but you'd laugh🤓. And again,ignore whatever I just said.

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