First Successful Hive Withdrawal

It's been a while, fellas!

It's nice to be back again but I might still not be as active as I was before. I just wanted to go back to my old routine of blogging.

Just to share a little, my LO just turned 2years old the other month. I can say that motherhood for me is getting a little bit more challenging. Mothers here can definitely relate. I barely have time on my own. The energy I have left when Lo was still a bit younger got turned down more. The energy I have left was spent on sleeping or staring at my phone so I can fall asleep.

Anyway, I just want to share that I am happy today as I have successfully withdrawn my Hive earnings. I have attempted several times to try or just to know how to withdraw my earnings here but the Lo needs more attention and I can't focus on how to withdraw my earnings.

Here's a tip, find articles that can help you or join our Discord community. A lot of people will surely help you.

In my case, I just relied on this article
How and When to Withdraw Your Hive Earnings

Honestly, it took me a couple of hours to do this while taking care of my LO.
Imagine after joining the platform in November 2022, I wasn't that active and stopped posting blogs in April of this year, I am still happy that I was able to earn a total of 108 HIVE.

For newbies out there, the link above is a great article to follow for first-timers like me. Just be mindful and follow the instructions carefully.


This is my earnings for more than six months since I joined Hive. I just regret that I wasn't that active and that I could have done more but this is still a big help. One more tip, if you have yet to withdraw your earnings better put some on your Hive Savings.


Whew! Withdrawing my earnings was challenging because I have to do a lot and change platforms from now and then. I hope that I can master it soon hahaha!

Happy 2nd half of 2023 guys! I am sure that most of you are hoping that crypto goes back up soon. :)



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