A Day in My Life: My First On-the-Job Training Interview. Was it successful or not?

Hello Hivey! Should I start calling you Hivey? I like the sound of it, so I might. Anyway, how is your day going so far? Was it going great? I just had a blog-worthy moment today. As a prerequisite to graduation, we were asked to look for marketing-related jobs for our on-the-job training (OJT). Today, I'll be telling you my tale of how I ventured into the corporate world (looking for a company that will accept me for our OJT) and show you my perspective as someone inexperienced in this field.


I set my alarm for around 5 a.m. since my interview will be at 8 a.m. I got a text from one of the companies that I applied to stating that I will have an interview with them today. Getting ready, I nervously recited some of my already prepared answers (which I made yesterday) to the most common interview questions that I read online. It was after an hour that I finally got out of our house and rode a jeepney to the workplace (I allotted two hours for travel just in case it might get traffic).

I waited for my friend at Ayala Mall (a huge mall in Cebu City), staring at the tall building surrounding the mall. I could already see the company that I was applying to from afar, which made my hands sweaty and cold.

After my friend arrived at Ayala, we walked a short distance to 1Nito Tower to get our interviews. We talked about how exciting it would be if we were given a chance to work in the company one day, given it's a dynamic place to train and develop our sales and marketing skills.


Also, the workplace is just so pretty; imagining working here one day, walking in those lobbies, staying in the waiting areas, and entertaining customers is such a dream.

We went directly to the guard to get our visitor IDs and headed to the 19th floor, where the Kings and Properties office is located. A funny event actually happened here; we were waiting for the elevator, and when we rode it, we couldn't click the button heading to the 19th floor. Then, someone who rode the elevator with us told us we needed to click it before the elevator closed. Mishearing this information, I thought she meant that we needed to click the button outside the elevator, so I walked out of the elevator looking for the button outside😅 and almost got closed down in the face. Thankfully, someone clicked the open button and helped us on clicking the 19th floor. She even told us that it's normal to have those experiences. I was embarrassed, and I hadn't even done my interview yet.
This is where the elevator is located

Once we got to the 19th floor, we went to the receiving area and told them the purpose of our visit. We were given a paper to fill out and were told to wait for Miss Trisha, the person who would be doing the interview. We then waited for her in the waiting area, where we filled in our papers.


We were amazed at the workplace; they are straight out of Kdrama offices, with glass doors separating the, I think, senior managers' office from the rest of the employees. They also have lounges where employees could do their meetings (someone was occupying one room, and it looked like they were having a meeting). It was such an amazing experience. Nervously, we looked around, assessing our surroundings and guessing who Miss Trisha was among all the people passing the waiting area.
This is us, waiting for our interview.

Finally, a petite girl with a charming smile walked in and asked us if are we the people she would be interviewing today. I was already really cold by this time; the aircon of the place was blasting, mixed with my nervousness and sweaty hands, and then I heard that I would be the first to be interviewed.

I got out of my seat, entered the room (the rooms I mentioned), and had my interview there. I managed to answer the questions asked of me by Miss Trisha and left satisfied with the experience. I felt no regret, given that I prepared the possible questions firsthand, and luckily, they are also what the interview was all about (aside from other personal questions that were easy to answer). I was told to wait for another senior manager to do another interview; while my friends entered the room, I exited.

We both ended up waiting for the senior manager to do another round of interviews but were told that she would be too occupied and busy today (she was already entertaining clients early in the morning), so the only vacant day she would be available would be Friday.

So that is how we ended the morning; we will need to be back again on Friday to have our final interview. Manifesting that my friend and I will pass the interview and work our OJT with them❤️ We have prepared a lot already, so whatever the result, we hope the lord is with us to face and accept it.

As a little token for ourselves (even though we did not accomplish anything😅) we ordered a croissant and a drink in Starbucks (my friend and I were always planning to try dining at Starbucks forever), and since we are in Ayala, we might as well make it more memorable. (By the way, we have sinking funds with my friend where whenever we eat out, we use our sinking so it will not be that financially heavy for us to spend our money😅).


That is it for today, Hivey! It was a blog-worthy day, right? Haha, anyway, please manifest with me that my friend and I will get the job. Adios.

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