Exams are fast approaching and to be honest I’ve been having mixed feelings and I don’t feel prepared for it at all. Yes I’ve been trying my best to read but then it’s as if there is a limit to how much I can take and that has been a major setback for me. My mind has basically been playing a trick on me that I am not doing enough and it has been a major challenge. Preparing for exams has always been a challenge for me because for some reason I’m not really good at studying especially when it comes to school book.


This month has been a roller coaster for me and I’m really so grateful looking at how far I’ve come, special thanks to the amazing people God has given to me. I had some major setbacks but overall, I tried to see it as a blessing in disguise because I don’t know how well it would have been if it wasn’t like this. I was able to achieve my major goals for the month and I’m already on my way to starting my goals for the coming month which is mainly to study more for my exams and hopefully do well in it. My activities on hive has reduced drastically and that is due to so many reasons but most especially because I became too lazy to do as much as I want to.

I have so many comments I’m yet to reply to but I’m definitely going to reply to all of them because it’s not in my way not to. I just want to focus more on my exams and after that focus a bit more on hive. I have only made efforts into posting because I don’t want to give myself the room of becoming completely lazy to do what I want to do. And so far so good, I’m getting better at writing and even writing early than usual. I’m basically trying to improve on every aspect of my life and I know I’m on the right path because it has not been easy at all but I know it will definitely be worth it as long as God is on my side.

I’d be in school almost through out my day today and that is because I need to study more so I can keep building my confidence for the upcoming exams. I have so much to learn before my exams in such a short time and the truth is it is totally on me because I worried more than putting in the work but I still hope that I do well even as I keep trying to imbibe the spirit of studying for the coming semester. I know that I’m not the only one having this feeling because almost everyone has one thing or the other to say about how tight this exam schedule is like and some have even started resulting in engaging in examination malpractices.

The other day some counselors even came to advice us on the dangers of engaging in such practices but I know some people have already made up their mind to do what they want to do because they are scared of failing but don’t want to put in the maximum effort. I’m not putting in maximum efforts either but I’m trying my best and I know it would be worth while. I just need to keep going and not give up because I do have that thought sometimes when it gets really harder on me. So please pray for me and wish me well as my exams start on the 3rd of September.

Do have a lovely day ahead and always stay positive because you can do whatever you put your mind to 🥰.

The images used are mine

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