No Kat-nappin Here!


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It has occurred to me that it's almost October! Holy Halloween in a majestically carved out gourd! This year has evaporated like the morning dew in my yard. To be quite honest, the morning dew smells a bit like a diesel bruh's sweet carbon-coated dream around my house this morning, as the boy took Rufus to school.

Speaking of Rufus...

Long time readers of my blog will know that five years ago or so we bought a delightfully rustic one ton diesel Chevy pickup. That same pickup blew its engine in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico on our cross the southwest final homeschool year road trip. After the engine saga was complete, we have had Rufus home, and over the years he's been a good pickup, just a little quirky.

Well, the hubs and the boy took our Rufus to our friend's shop to put in some new glow plugs for him. Ever since we got the new engine he has been especially cold blooded and started a bit rough.

We found out why.

Two of the eight glow plugs WEREN'T EVEN CONNECTED! Poor Ruf, he wasn't firing right lol!

Boy does he ever run lovely now, and what's even more heart-warming is that the boy did the entire job himself. My son really is becoming a mechanic of greatness, he even put a couple of new rear shocks on Rufus yesterday after school, so of course I am more than happy for him to drive the behemoth around.

Moving on from massive, always needing maintenance vehicles, I am leaving the farm soon.

Yes, I like to give a disclaimer, because things seem to just happen when I leave the farm. My friends even tease me about it. Like, when I leave cataclysmic events occur. I just say PSHAW to this, because life just life's if I am on the farm or not.

But still, it is a little weird, so be forewarned!


Anyway, the hubs and I are sneaking away for a 4 day reprieve on the banks of Clearwater River. We are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary by relaxing alone. It's hard for us to relax at home because we are sorta weirdo industrious people who are always tending to things, and since we haven't had an actual getaway together since Fall of 2016 when we went to Puerto Vallarta, well, I'd say we are overdue for a bit of rest and reprieve.

Plus, I am looking forward to just spending time with him. It's amazing how a QUARTER OF A FREAKING CENTURY flies by! I know that twenty-five years is just a speck in the way of time, but to me, a little gnat of a human, it feels like a pretty awesome and long stretch of living and learning.

I'm just glad I had a crotchety pineapple to share it with😊

As far as on farm things go, tomorrow we are moving the door and all the furniture to the yurt. It will be lovely to have that project completely buttoned up before winter. All that's really left for me to do before the snow flies is to split and stack the rest of the firewood, winterize a couple things, and as always there is plenty of food prep.


We have quite a few apples coming our way, so I am sure there will be apple themed posts galore this coming month. I need to share my caramel apple jelly recipe with you all, and somewhere in my recipe archives is a Nobby Apple Cake that was a favorite of my dear departed friend Captain Bill, I think about him and smile every apple season.

And on that note, I gotta leave this Kat-life overview missive at this juncture. Since I am bolting for half the week I am doing ALL my school work in a three day period. It feels like I am cramming for midterms or something again, good times!

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's only reflective on its screen and not in the figurative sense like its owner iPhone.

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