Mulling and Meandering


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My days are always interesting. Even my supposed days off are never quite sedate. Today though, today was a banger.

It was after I ate a pretty lovely cheeseburger and was strolling about the farm on a post noshing constitutional that I found myself mulling over all of the tasks that encompassed my day.

To start with, after having coffee with the hubs, I spent a couple of hours working on the final paper for my social work class. That's right, my first semester in college since 2006 is about at its end. And I have to say, I have really enjoyed being back in school, especially since I am not caring for a newborn while trying to write research papers in ancient Greek and Aramaic like last time. That was a bit much.

Nope, this time I am writing a paper on rural veteran mental health, the barriers that the population faces, and solutions to such barriers, all derived from peer reviewed research.

I'll tell you one thing, access to research has changed. A LOT! It just blows my mind how I can logon to my college's library, do some Boolean search term magic, and have unending, quality sources to derive my points from. Good times.


After wading through the research trenches, I then hit the more domestic slough. Earlier this week I completely emptied out and repurposed my daughter's bedroom. That was a hard job in and of itself. My child is grown up and has moved on, and nothing says change like going through belongings that span two decades of precious memories.

Our new office space is right nice though.

Part of the great room repurposing was finding many things that belonged to me, namely clothing, so due in large part to the surplus of discovery, I had to reorganize my bedroom closet, store away my winter clothes, and deep vacuum my boudoir.


After that task was completed, I slipped on my barn boots and attacked the most fragrant job of my day, I cleaned out the chicken pen and applied a fresh layer of shavings. The girls seemed appreciative, and after spreading a layer of the poo gold on my flower beds, well, I think my roses looked might gratitudish too.


The hubs and I decided that we were going to do a thing we rarely do, run up the hill and grab cheeseburgers and fries. He had been working on the new regulation skeet and trap field he is building for the shotgun team on our back ten acres. It's coming along nicely.


After the not prepared by me dinner, I left on the aforementioned, ponderous stroll. I like to meander a bit after eating, it just helps me feel better as most food doesn't always seem to agree with me. The walk itself was pretty pleasant. Except for my supervisor almost wiping me out multiple times by walking in front of me as I took a step.

I foiled upper management though, right when he tried to take me out I started skipping for three hundred feet or so and it broke his brain.

Sometimes I am more than thankful for all that grey matter, especially when it's fueled and functioning.


My walk continued as they are wont to do, I probably looked like a demented British naturalist at times, I paused and squatted down quite often to snap pictures of the delicate wildflowers that are carpeting much of the farm right now.


Floral dementia sounds positively pleasant really.

And now, now that my mulling and meandering are at an end, I think I will go put on some comfy pants and spend a bit of my evening reading a food themed cozy mystery. I might even watch and episode or two of Fallout, because nothing spells out a good time like lighthearted mystery and corporate themed dystopia!

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's not quite as fragrant as the matter in the wheelbarrow iPhone.

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