Daily blog #2 : A brand-new journey began for me!

Orange Yellow Minimalist Aesthetic A Day in My Life Travel Vlog Youtube Thu_20240925_222233_0000.png

Hi everyone! How's your day? I hope the rest of September is treating you well. Did you ever have an experience in your life where you impulsively made a decision? Where you jump on the situation without thinking about the outcomes.

I recently made a decision like that. I'm the type of person who doesn't think about the pros and cons before making decisions. So let me tell you about the impulsive decision I made. Before I tell you about it, let me share with you how I came to this decision. It was a sunny Wednesday. It was on September 11 around 8 o'clock when my mom suddenly woke me up and told me to enter a training that our neighbour told her about. And I was still half asleep. To make my mother let me go back to sleep, I half-heartedly agreed to it. After I agreed to it, I thought my mom would let me go back to sleep, but boy, I was wrong.

Instead, my mother made me go to the shower to go to the office of that training to register. I instinctively followed my mother's errand. My neighbour's older brother accompanied us to the office because he has a motorcycle and he just dropped us off there. And on the way to the office i actually thought that it's not far but i was wrong it's so far we even have to cross a little bridge to get there.


By the way the name of the company is Prime tech and it's located at Guinacot, Danao city. After we crossed the bridge we get to see the sign og primtech and you still have to go a little further to get to their office. After that, we arrived at the office and we registered and the employee who guided us said that once we registered for that training, we had to commit to it. The training that we've registered is Contact Center Service NC 2. He also said that we could back out on the first and second days, but on the third day of training we couldn't back out. We have to pay a fine if we want to back out. He also said that our first class will be on September 25.


After that, we went home, and when I got home, I started to weigh the pros and cons of my situation. I'm actually nervous because in my major we are required to have NC 2 to be able to OJT, but the training course should be CSS. I'm worried because our major instructor is still looking for someone who can train us, and I'm afraid if this course or decision is going to conflict with my schedule. This training is actually not aligned with my major, but I want to take it so that I could have something to put in my resume later on. So I said to myself, Well, screw it, I'm going to do it.


So fast forward: the date that I'm writing this is September 25, and it's our first day of class in Contact Centre Services NC 2 on Prime Tech, so let me share with you my experience. So our class starts at 7 am to 1:30 pm; our call time is 6:30, but since it's far from our home, we arrived at 7 am, but when we arrived, some had arrived before us, but they were not starting yet. When we arrived, we logged in, and then we went to find our seats. After we were seated, we waited for the others to come, and around 8 the others had come.


And around 9, our instructor introduced himself and grouped us to 5. During this time, I was nervous because the only person I knew was our neighbour and we were not on the same team. I was on group number 1, and our instructor instructed us to make a group name for our group, and he also instructed us to write our expectations about the training, our instructor and our classmates, and some house rules. Then he gave us 30 minutes to brainstorm, and after that, we're going to present it in front of the class; after that, we're going to introduce ourselves one by one. I didn't get to get a picture because I'm a little shy to ask my neighbour to picture me. We were the first ones to present in front, and the name that we came up with as our group name is CLIQUE. It's a small group of people who share the same interest. We presented our expectations and house rules, and then we introduced ourselves one by one, and I was so nervous in front it felt like I was in a north pole because I was so cold. After all of our members are finished introducing themselves, we go back to our seats so that the other groups could present next. At last, all the groups are finished presenting their expectations and house rules and also introducing themselves. Our instructor then proceeded to tell us the objectives of this training and also the setup for the up-coming classes.


Our trainer is not from Cebu; he lives in Quezon City, and he needed to go back there for personal reasons. So on Friday and Saturday we will be having an online class. He also told us about the lessons that we were going to tackle throughout this journey. After all of that, at 12:30 pm, our instructor decided to release us early because it's still the first day and we've already tackled all of our agenda. After that, we needed to sign out, and then we went home. So that's the whole story. Please come with me on this new journey that I embarked on. Thank you for staying with me this far, and please stay tuned for more updates about my journey in this course. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!

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