An Eventful Saturday

Well the weekend is officially over and today I take you through my Saturday. The day of the weekend I accomplished the most or should I say I did the most. Well friends and Hivians let's get to it!

I had plans to go out fishing early but my son caught me at 6:00 a.m. He needed a ride to the University for a basketball scrimmage at 9:00 a.m. His car is in the shop currently, hopefully it will be ready for pick up Monday.



His scrimnages usually last 3 hours so I decided to go for a drive. I was on the way to check out an art bench at a high-school when I spotted this farm that had some cool lawn art. I stopped and took these shots. I like the grouping of vintage farming equipment that was put together in this display.

I believe the tractor is a late 1930's model John Deer. Nice little set up which also includes a windmill and later 19th Century plow. The windmill was actually working as well. This place is the Fricke Farm and according to the stone it was established back in 1855.




I arrive at Bryan Senior High School and it wasn't hard at to find this historical series bench. At 4700 Giles Road, Bellevue, Nebraska it was about 5 minutes away from my previous stop at the farm. This bench is entitled, The Sky is the Limit, and was painted by the Bryan Senior High Art Club. The last photo above shows the artists marks. It's not graffiti as these marks are underneath the sealant.

The front on the bench shows a lot of activity which I think most is about future careers. The first step of graduation is painted on the left side. Also it show cases cultural and social activities of the students. Musical activities is very evident in this paintings as well.

On the back it shows activities related to school. It shows subjects such as Math, Biology(yawns) and Fine Arts. A little bit about sports as it shows an American Football. Also things needed for school activities such as a notebook and of course a student ID. The school also offered a surprise I wasn't expecting.





Just beyond the art bench was this beautiful mural painted on this seavan container. I thought it was neat how it was incorporated in a common area outside. I can see students sitting here during the lunch hour chilling with friends eating thier food.

Not alot about this mural but I can assume it was painted by the students. The seavan is called the AgroBox. The school has FFA (Future Farmers of America) charter. Inside this "Agrobox" is a state of the art laboratory incorporated with a small greenhouse where some crops are grown.

This mural has some cool, "out of the box" painted images. It's crazy to think that a grizzly bear would be used in the farming process to pull a plow. I got a kick out of that imagining it, hehe. The airplane is really cool looking, I imagine it's suppose to be a crop duster. Now the plant growing out of the hands just shows that farmers play a big role in feeding the world.


After my time visiting these shows of art I headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things. While scanning my stuff my son texted me letting me know he was done. Once I picked him up we had some Subway to to feed our hunger for lunch. At about 1:00 I showed up to a pond to start my fishing journey.





I caught a few little Nemo sized fish to start out. I was only there for about 45 minutes. I didn't take many pictures of the rainbow trout I caught. This was the main reason I chose to come here. The are a slippery fish and I have lost fish in the past taking picture of holding them. Since I was on a roll catching them I didn't want to miss the the biting fest by taking time to photo them 😃 I did do that when I hit the 3 fish mark as the bite slowed for a good 10 mintes. The good thing is the last 15 minutes I caught two more which gave me my limit for the day. I decided to give the fish to a friend who hasn't tried eating this fish species.



So I didn't do much the remainder of the day except watch a little College American football. I have to say my Saturday fishing paid off as my friend gave me call Sunday, she invited me over to feed me 😋 What you see above is braised rainbow trout with a slough of vegetables mixed in with a few different spices. I ate it with steamed rice and asparagus. Oh it was delicious and all I had left on my plate after consuming it was bones. I ended up fishing again Sunday and above is the five trout I kept for myself prior to fileting them out.


My dailey activity on Saturday really set the tone for the rest of the weekend. This weekend also marked a new look for me, gone with the beard. Still adjusting a bit looking in the mirror every morning. I'll get use to it!

That's all I have for you at this time. Take care, stay safe and happy days ahead. Until next time!

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