Schedule of my special celebrations of 2023

A new year begins and with it comes many projects and special celebrations of family and friends for which we plan ourselves guided by a calendar of dates, although sometimes it is somewhat uncertain because it is not possible to predict what awaits us in the future, but it is always possible. Think positive

It began with the heaviest and least busy month of the year, January.

In this month, I always planned with my colleagues and co-workers to organize ourselves for the institutional parade in honor of our Virgin of Candelaria.

This year the reason that corresponds to us is allusive to Saragosa, for which we are active making the masks with useful material.

In the Preparations.

And when the month of February arrives where the day of our patron saint Virgen de la Candelaria is celebrated on the 2nd.

That day I go to the procession... And then the 14th of the same month is the day of love and friendship where I will surprise my husband with a nice detail and a delicious lunch which I will make with a lot of love .

And with him also comes his birthday on the 23rd where I will have a meeting to share with our loved ones where he will taste his favorite 3 milk cake...

With the birthday boy(my husband)

where I have planned in what is the second week to teach a basic pastry course to a group of friends.

For the month of April in which it is celebrated in Venezuela in its first week of Holy Week where I will go with my family to spend it in the countryside to prepare a delicious fish curd.

Later I welcome the month of flowers May , which is very festive for me because the birth of my youngest princess is celebrated on the 5th, then on Mother's Day, later the 10th birthday of my brother Manuel and also on the 22nd of my sister who is like my mom Grisheila and the 24th of my older brother Luis is a fabu fabu fabulous month hehehehehe

My princess Annabella.

Another month of celebration arrives the month of June where birthday my eldest princess who will arrive on the 22nd of this month at her 12 years of happy and pleasant existence and a reason to celebrate and give thanks to God.

My oldest princess the birthday girl

And the month of graduation of promotion and the end of the school year begins where I will have the pleasure and pride of attending the 6th grade promotion of mky princess who will be promoted to the immediate higher grade and will experience another change.

My princess when she was promoted to 1st grade 6 years ago

Yupiiiiii the holidays have arrived, the month most awaited by everyone, especially by the teachers hehehehe August where I take advantage and go with the family to enjoy at least one weekend at the beach .

The month of September begins in the second week of the new school year and it is also the month of my prince Miguelangelo where he will come of age and a man is where I see that time goes very fast and we realize , so I will prepare everything to celebrate it in a big way if God allows me.

My prince my son

On October 12, the birthday of a being who is like my father who has supported me a lot, he is my stepfather André who reaches another year of life and would be 65 years old.

November arrived , a month that marked my life and my because it was the month in which I lost my old man because God needed him, my father a fundamental pillar in my life who taught me to fight and get ahead.

The intimate month of the year has arrived and with it come many celebrations among them my nephew José Miguel's birthday on the 02nd then my brother José Leonel's on the 11th and my sister Massiel on the 23rd and if my dad were alive he would have his birthday December 25 and then my birthday on the 27th where I celebrated surrounded by family and friends, where I thank God for each and every one of his blessings

Celebrating my birthday

And so my Schedule of my special celebrations of 2023 ends, hoping it will be to everyone's liking.

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