Backyard Ultra - World Team Championships 2022, 101 hours and over

Two Belgian runners, Merijn Geerts and Ivo Steyaert have together written history in the last few days. They accomplished something that was a dream and a distant goal just last Friday. Yet, when this year's Sattelite World Championships started, they went on and on and on, for 101 hours, for 101 laps of 6.7 kilometres. 677 kilometres and a bit of change in 4 days and 5 hours. Just amazing.

The incredible guys with their wives after the finish.

Into their 83rd yard when two Japanese guys were still in the competition.

It's over, after 101 laps they decided to end the event together.

Ivo and Merijn talking with Laz, who invented this madness.

They look quite fresh, don't they? All three were more or less on their feet for the last four days.

Fascinating and amazing, what the human mind and body can do.


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Backyard Ultra Championships articles

15.10.2022 - Backyard Ultra - World Team Championships 2022, 7th hour
14.10.2022 - Backyard Ultra - World Team Championships 2022
19.10.2021 - Big Dog's Backyard Ultra World Championships - LIVE NOW With WORLD RECORD In Making!

better and better
:ervin :lemark

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