Do you know yourself?

We may not be philosophers or psychologists by certification, but we all interact with people and a great deal of us have things to say about others - regarding their behaviour and whatnot.

For example, whenever I think of @josediccus and the level of effort he pours into his on-chain actives, I can't help but refer to him as a workhorse who never stops running. Man is a machine and a gem of an Hiver. That's how I access him.

I have been able to encounter others who I see as hotbeds for things that are not supposed to be happening on here. Those that their post makes it hard for you to vote or even leave a good comment behind. Even if you manage to throw in a comment to help them mend their ways, they will ignore it and turn your effort into a joke.

That's insane. Isn't it?

The more you associate with people, the more you will know about them. With that knowledge comes a high level of strength.

But this isn't the end. Knowing people without knowing yourself is a bit OFF. I wouldn't want to stop at that.

The Socratic "Man Know Thyself" is something I hold onto as a mantra.

Do you know yourself?

In my case, I'm a bit of a laid-back guy when it comes to the way I rate creatives. You can miss out on some punctuations or come up with content that has 1k words, but all it takes for me to fall head over heels for such content may be a single sentence.

A reference to that is based on this sentence which I carved out from a post written by @beeber

She, who was always regularly vaccinated against the flu and then got the flu every year, she, who shovels tons of powders and supplements into herself and still always takes every infection.

The post is titled Have I lied to a friend?.

Immediately I read that part, I was gushing to jump into the comment section and pour out my heart. Of course, she nailed the content as a whole, but my reaction wouldn't have been any different if she did otherwise because I've already seen something that sounded brainy. Hehe.

That's just me.

Even when I read some books written by Shakespeare, the plot may not be to my taste, but his choice of words was never boring to me. The same applies to Tv shows. I've seen 5 seasons of Peaky Blinders which has a total of 30 episodes and I must say that what I enjoy about the whole show is the Irish-English that was used in it.

That's basically how I appreciate literature.

If you want to get sentimental about it, just give it a rest and maybe, tell me how you rate creatives (written, visual or audiovisual contents).

We are all on this journey of self-discovery. Introspection works well for anyone interested in knowing more about themselves.

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