A Thin Line Between Abundance And Extravagance

Before he traveled, Mr Adeleke decided to speak to his two children one more time.

"I'll be away for a while on a business trip. There's enough money in the family account to provide for all your needs till I get back."

"Dad can I cruise in the Lamborghini While You Are Gone?" Joseph asked

"Of course! Just don't scratch it like the last time."

"Dad can I still go for the regular visits in your absence?" Diana asked.

"Yes dear, just make sure the driver always goes with you."

"Dad can I..."

"OK kids I got to go. If I stay here answering your questions, I might miss my flight."***

"Goodbye Dad!"

The children said in unison as they watched their father enter his car and drove away.

The Absence of their father was a Dream come true for Joseph. He has always wanted to be in charge, to be the man of the house. Do what ever he wants With no one to restrict his movements and actions. After his father's departure, Joseph Was Hardly Home. He spent most of his days in hotels and night clubs. He lavished his money on prostitutes, he lived a wayward life. He spent money on unnecessary things. He would buy hundreds of shoes and clothes that he would end up not wearing, just to impress his many girl friends. He Cruised the whole cutyy with his father's expensive cars.


His sister Diana was a total opposite. Ever since their mother died, she has become the mother to the family. She was dedicated to protecting the wealth of her father and keeping the family together. Definitely she was fully aware that her father had abundant wealth, this is why she embarks on regular visits to the motherless babies Homes, giving out what they didn't need Any more. From clothes, shoes, wears generally to food items and also some money for upkeep. Diana couldn't pass a begger on the road without stopping to give alms.

When Diana became aware of his brother's lifestyle, she was quite sad because she knew that her father would never be happy if He heard of it. One morning, Joseph came back home drunk and oozing with foul smell.

"Joseph! Where are You coming from this morning?" Diana asked in anger

"How is that your business?"

"Everything that goes on in this house is my business!"

"Just because you are the only woman in this house doesn't make you mom. Don't ever think that you can replace mom."

"I'm not trying to replace anybody, I'm worried about you."

"Worry about yourself and let me worry about myself."

"It's not up to 7am yet and you are already drunk to stupor. Joseph, you need to change this lifestyle of yours."

"What Lifestyle is that?"

"Your Extravagant Lifestyle. Life of spending carelessly and excessively."

"The money and resources is abundant here, so why not spend it."

"Simply because we are blessed abundantly doesn't give you an excuse to be extravagant."

"And you are the righteous one right? What is the difference between my spending and the millions you spend giving our money away to orphans and people we don't even know."

"There's a big difference dear brother. The money I spend is for a meaningful and just course. I spend money trying to change people's life and not to Impress people."

"Sis, as you can see my head is full right now. I need to shower and sleep. We will continue this conversation in the morning."

"It's already morning dumb ass."

Joseph failed to listen to the advice of his sister and continued living a reckless and wayward life. It Got so bad that he started bringing girls to the house. To some he claimed that he was the owner of the house. He started drinking and smoking in the house, what his father considered an abomination.


It was on such a day when he was with a girl on his father's bed that Mr Adeleke came home unexpectedly.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Mr Adeleke screamed as he walked into his house. He was totally dumbfounded because his house was like a club house with Loud music blasting from every corner and the entire house was oozing With the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

"Dad! You didn't inform us of your return!" Joseph said in shock as he saw his father.

Abundance is great, but don't let it get into your head and make you to live an extravagant lifestyle.


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"Success doesn’t have a time frame it will come according to how you put in work and with your perseverance."

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