Hello Community! Post for rewards!

Lets start posting peeps. I have a lot of resource credit to use up and I would like to use it in my own community.

For example I am very interested in OHIO. What the heck is going on in OHIO? Why are trains full of toxic chemicals spilling just in Ohio? Why now? Is this a smokescreen for something else? Did the mystery balloon maybe drop something first? Did a UFO crash and we burned it with train chemicals?

Is this a scene from Breaking Bad? Can drugs be made with these chemicals? Are they used in vaccines and they wanted the chemicals for free? Are they making a bomb and needed to find a source to get them free make it look like a huge disaster are and infect the people with toxins so no one notices the real stuff is gone?

Maybe something really did fly over OHIO and drop something from those balloons, the train and toxic chemicals was a better cover up for the slow emerging discovery of such.... ? I just find it very suspicious that smart educated people thought they could light it all up and not think of the repercussions, and allow the people to remain in their homes.

The land is damaged. The people have been grievously damaged. The government has no money to spare? To fix what they have destroyed?

New topic- how about some articles on all the blackops black programs that no one gets to know what the budget is going to? We are allocating money to the department of defense who in turn is allocating money to secret operations that congress and the president do not get to know about. WHY? All regarding UFO objects?

I just seen or heard, about flying objects, and while it is obviously clear the Universe is huge and we most likely have other things living in this world, the government has hidden so much about it, stopped many people from speaking, made threats etc..... is it because the government is creating their own Alien Aircraft to pull off the greatest world take over of an alien invasion? This theory was very interesting to me.

If you look at the trial run of trying to take over the world using a virus, blackballing people and countries who did not play along (by the way).
Countries who sniffed the bullshit a mile away were threatened to lose their funding from the USA. I will leave my personal comment about this out. haha.

So seeing that the government bullied people, took human right away, forcing people to choose the Jab/ Vax/ Shot whatever in order to continue living in existence ... and the shot is bullshit, always has been. They never released facts that the shot could stop transmission everyone was blind. Besides this being blatently posted on the FDA and CDC website that it could not stop transmission or even prevent you from getting covid it MIGHT save your life ...was the only thing ever said in a pile of fear indoctrinated writings.

Why wouldn't our government try an alien invasion? They already tried that crap up there? ANDDDDDDDDDD

Why have level 4 labs that look into diseases and mutate them on purpose? BECAUSE people the government has never been your friend.... the department of defense has never been your friend or anyone else’s friend for that matter. the DOD has always had classified missions infecting diseases into objects or animals to infect our enemies. Read the unclassified documents about yellow fever and the release of that over Florida from a US Naval ship. The hospitals were to report it all so the military could collect the data on how it worked.
Congratulations America you are one giant LAB RAT.

Do not even get me started on Polio.

How about those balloons?

How about whatever is on your mind regarding America and the choices being made?

(I am also happy with some fun photos of vacations or pets, conspiracy theories etc. )

Get this community living!

FACTS people fact it up. Facts about where we live or who you are.

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