
The “food” of corporations.

The “food” of corporations.


How Doritos manage to make their nachos this reddish-orange color so Irresistible, this is one of the biggest problems with Doritos a team of scientists in Ontario fed this magical Doritos powder to a group of mice for 12 weeks.

And what they discovered was disastrous not only for science, but for the poor rats, after that they did a more extensive study on the composition of these Doritos and then they found the answer to the serious effects suffered by all rats.

How could PEPSICO make these Doritos so commercially viral to sell us billions of these crunchy little pink-orange triangles and to achieve this color a new scientific study published in the journal Nature Communications revealed just last month that Doritos use a red coloring that it can increase the risk of inflammatory bowel diseases, which affect an estimated 3 million people in the United States alone, according to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation.


This toxic additive is here in the ingredient list, right on the back of the bag, they don't even bother to hide it or call it something else, it's called red 40 this chemical called red 40 was the very ingredient that a team of scientists here in Ontario Canada fed a group of lab rats for those 12 weeks and researchers found that the mice consuming the highest amounts of Red 40 had higher levels of serotonin, which helps regulate intestinal muscle movements and absorption of nutrients and interfere with the healthy bacteria in the colon, leading to inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract.

That biological imbalance, caused by the 40-net additive that Doritos uses for this orange powder, makes our bodies more susceptible to diseases such as intestinal inflammation, including abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, dehydration, and bloody stools. .

And when it comes to children, the long-term side effects of eating products with this red 40 additive can include immune disorders, as well as children with attention deficit disorder or ADD or children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. or ADHD may have impulsive behavior, be disorganized, hyperactive, restless or bored, or have difficulty paying attention, especially when it comes to children.

The Doritos company defends itself by saying that a human would need to consume more than the recommended amount of its dye to obtain the same results as Ontario laboratory rats and of course no one would be fool enough to eat Doritos every day, right.


The “food” of corporations.

This is a cross post of @bntcamelo/the-food-of-corporations by @narfballs.


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