PFIZER standards U.S. government officials are criminals P1

"Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are ‘criminals’"

Spreaders of misinformation-

"People who spread misinformation on Covid-19 vaccines are “criminals,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Tuesday.
“They’re criminals because they have literally cost millions of lives,” he said. He said life for many people can go “back to normal” once many of the unvaccinated get vaccinated."

The vaccine does not stop the spread of covid19 or Sars-Cov2, it does not stop transmission, how does one person getting this vaccine save millions of lives other thenpossibly my own? According to the CDC, FDA and Pfizer website fact sheets? This is misleading information given by Pfizer. Pfizer is suggesting this vaccine will stop the spread and save other peoples lives besides my own from me getting this vaccine.

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Fauci all are misinformation spreaders making false statements to get vaccinated to stop the spread. Well stopping the spread is misinformation because the covid19 pfizer vaccine does not stop the spread nor is it really classified as a vaccine.

"Get vaccinated to stop the spread".

"Vaccinated is a dead end for the virus"-Fauci.
They need to be held accountable.
Why isn’t Fauci being harassed and treated like a plague like the people who only questioned getting an experimental vaccination that had NO definitive science backing it. Just questioning what the media had to say about the vaccination made you an anti-science, anti-medicine,
anti-American, anti-family, anti-friendly, and a Grandma killer. Just by questioning and pointing out the facts from the CDC and FDA regarding the statement made on their websites regarding the Pfizer vax, you were anti all of the above if you actually read the science, you are anti everything. Get the vax it did not matter the facts.

How many times have you posted the truth about these people ? I have written so much about the vaccine, reposting what the CDC FDA and #PFIZER has written about the vaccine and I have been "FACT CHECKED" and harassed by social media giants saying I am wrong, I am spreading misinformation, my account is banned or temporarily disabled for breaking community guidelines. (Even though Facebook can spread porn to children and it does not go against community guidelines.) . I have had friends, families and strangers make accurate accusations that I am not a scientist nor a doctor, fine you got me but then they will make statements to further say I should "follow the science". I DID follow the science that is why I posted the FACTS from the #FDA #CDC #pfizer websites regarding the vaccine and its efficacy and transmission statements. YET I was not following their science to just believe the media and FAUCI... #FA

New variants of a virus happen because the virus that causes COVID-19 constantly changes through a natural ongoing process of mutation (change). As the virus spreads, it has more opportunities to change. High vaccination coverage in a population reduces the spread of the virus and helps prevent new variants from emerging.

New York Times... so naughty.... Not surprised.

"September 13, 2021: “I don’t want people to think they can sit back and let everybody else do the hard work [getting vaccinated]. We all have choices and if it’s your choice not to be vaccinated, well that might mean you cannot participate in things that [the] fully vaccinated do.”

September 15, 2021: “We don’t want anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated yet to sit at home. Come out, get vaccinated, do your bit for yourself and your family. Remember that people might say well if you’re not vaccinated, that’s on you and you might get sick — well, no. Unvaccinated people spread the disease more readily. So if you’re in a venue or somewhere and there’s unvaccinated people [you have] more chance of contracting the disease from them because they don’t have that protection.”

September 20, 2021: “I just want people to acknowledge that because unvaccinated people … it’s one thing to put themselves in jeopardy, but they’re jeopardizing everybody else because they’re more contagious. If you choose not to be vaccinated, it’s one thing to make that decision for yourself and your family, but you’re also making that decision, suggesting that you don’t care if you’re more contagious to other people. [People choosing not to be vaccinated] means all of us have to be on guard, because as Dr Chant and myself and everybody’s been saying, even if you’re double vaccinated and have underlying health conditions you can still be at risk. I worry for people like my parents or others in the community who are aged or fully vaccinated, but yet could still be vulnerable.”

September 27, 2021: “It is not too late. You have the option, go today, make your booking and get vaccinated not only to protect yourself and your loved ones but also the community.”

Brad Hazzard
July 29, 2021: “There are a lot of people who don’t base their decisions in science or evidence. I’d say to those … not wanting to take vaccines, my message to them is you’re being extremely selfish if you think you can not have a vaccine just because you don’t want to have a vaccine, well you should think about what you’re doing to your family and to the community, and I would say even more than that, what a hide you have, what a ridiculous position is that when you’re going to put health staff at risk, and when you get sick you’re going to expect to come into hospital and get paid for by taxpayers.”

Daniel Andrews
September 5, 2021: “We’re going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we’re going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be. If you’re making the choice not to get vaccinated, then you’re making the wrong choice, you’re making the wrong choice. And for safety’s sake, back to that point of how much work our nurses have to do, as this becomes absolutely a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and we open everything up, it’s not going to be safe for people who are not vaccinated to be roaming around the place spreading the virus. That’s what they’ll be doing.”

September 22, 2021: “There’ll be announcements [about vaccine mandates] made based on the very detailed consideration and determinations of the chief health officer. I wish I could just do a whole blanket list but he has to go through a process so that it’s properly, legally done. So it’s not about people unfairly picking on the construction sector — that’s where the cases are so that explains the required vaccine decision. Then there are other industries where we can get ahead of cases and prevent the spread of coronavirus.”

October 19, 2021: “I’m not going to say to someone, just wait us out … just wait for five weeks and then you will be able to go to the pub. No, if you make the judgement to not get vaccinated and you reckon you can wait us out or the publican or whoever you want to think you are waiting out — you won’t outwait the virus. Because the virus will be here for a long time and your only protection against it is being vaccinated.”

October 26, 2021: “If you’re on the fence, if you haven’t quite made up your mind yet about whether you will or won’t get vaccinated and be protected by these vaccines that are free, that are safe, that are effective — please reconsider that decision. Two doses of this vaccine is the greatest protection that you can have for your health and the health of those you love and, indeed, the health system.”

January 30, 2022: “I think it’s only a matter of time before the relevant federal agencies confirm that it’s three doses … [that are needed] in order to be protected, not just against really critical illness but to be protected or to minimise the likelihood that you get it and that you give it to the people that you love.”

January 2022: “At the moment two doses are protecting the vast majority of people from serious illness, but it’s only with three doses that you’ll be prevented not just from serious illness but from getting this virus, this Omicron variant, and therefore giving it to others.”

James Merlino
September, 2021: “A requirement for vaccination of teachers will be important to stop the spread and protect our kids.”

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