Pedaling to Calm: A journey Towards Forest

Hello, my dear Hive fellows! Welcome to my world of traveling.

Currently, I reside in Huairou City, one of the Beijing Municipality's major districts, which is close to the city's northern border. Considering the gigantic Beijing's size, several parts of the city are different from its own areas and also many global megacities. For instance, the city's northern region is home to hundreds of mountains and many lakes. I think it is a blessing that I live in such a lovely place in my professional life. As usual, I set out on a cycling trip last Saturday that would take me to the mountain area near Yanqihu Lake Scemic area which is one of the most beautiful locations close to my residential area.

This hidden treasure is surrounded by beautiful mountains and is situated in the charming Huairou city neighborhood, providing a peaceful haven from the busy city life for its people and for tourists from around the country as well as international tourists. My 25-kilometer bike ride overwhelmed me with breathtaking scenery, a rejuvenating encounter with Mother Nature. And, of course, most importantly, it was a good session with some much-needed exercise to keep myself healthy through the unhealthy lifestyle I have to lead with too much desk work.

It was a spectacular Saturday afternoon when I left my dormitory. The sun was low in the sky, bathing the area in a cold white glow due to the cloudy weather as I got ready for my bike. It was one of those perfect summer afternoons in the late summer with a cold atmosphere after rainy days with clouds in the sky. I prepared my supplies, including a water bottle, and my phone with full charge for using the camera, so I could shoot the scenery as I went.

I left my dormitory after having a short snack as I hadn't properly launched and made my way through the empty streets as these areas are not like busy city areas with heavy traffic. I rode toward the high altitudes mountains, where the green jungle area made the way an amazing one with beautiful surroundings, and soon the metropolitan area started to fade away.

My ride began on ground I was familiar with. I rode my bike through the residential and business streets, there were many cars and other vehicles on the roads initially that started to disappear slowly. But the landscape changed drastically as I got closer to the forest area. The sound of wind became stronger and the sound of nature started to increase in these mountain roads.

Approximately ten kilometers later, I arrived at the picturesque roads that led to the Yanqihu Lake Scenic Area. There were many of trees in the area, and their vivid green foliage made a dramatic contrast to the concrete urban surroundings far behind I had left behind. A sense of calmness washed over me as the surroundings become more peaceful. I didn't enter the most common side of the Yanqihu Lake Scenic Area but explored the less popular sections of the Lake and its surroundings there.

The cycling towards the area was a kind of climbing up to reach new heights as the mountain roads are higher than the city area roads. I made the decision to go farther as I had my sights set on the mountains. Although it was a tough climb and I have done it many times already as usual I enjoy the challenge with a fresh start every time. Tall trees lined the route, their branches creating a natural canopy to block off the sun but that day it was already blocked due to the cloudy weather.

After riding for around 1 km, and finally catching a glimpse of different sections of the Yanqihu Lake, I was welcomed with amazing views. Under the sky, this part is also very attractive as the lake's clean waters glistened against a backdrop of the high hills, and the lively vegetation by the side of the lake was really amazing. I parked my bike and stopped to appreciate the beauty that I was surrounded by.

I had to cross a small dam to go further to the common lake viewpoint from where I will start my return journey. The dam was also very high from where I explored the surrounding beauty. Yanqihu International Conference Hall on the other side of the dam looks stunning in the lap of a greenish forestry area. The lake was located on my left which mirrored the sky on its surface. The mountains towered after the lake, their peaks were covered in a thin layer of mist due to the cloudy weather.

On the dam, I stopped in the middle to shoot pictures, trying to capture the spirit of this calm moment. I was able to glimpse the Yanqihu International Conference Hall from this angle, its contemporary design harmonising with the surrounding landscape was so eye-catching. It was an impressive sight, proof that human ingenuity and the natural world can coexist.

After this tiring ride, I was rewarded with an amazing view that appeared to go on forever as I stood at the peak. In front of me was Yanqihu Lake and the mountain peaks after it was so beautiful in the afternoon light. The peaks of the mountains, which majestically rose into the sky as clouds covered these peaks today, framed the landscape in a unique way. All of it was so beautiful that I stopped for a moment to just stand and take it all in, taking in the views and the fresh air.

After the visit and spending around one hour with nature, I started my returning journey to my institute. It was more comfortable as this time the way was towards the downside of the mountain roads which was so comfortable ride as well. I will again come back here to spend my free time in the lap of nature.

I hope you like my blog on the cycling session to the Yanqihu Lake Scenic Area which is a great place to have a tour in Beijing to embrace the beautiful mother nature in the heart of a concrete world. I hope to catch you in my next blog. If you have any queries, please let me know in the comments.

Thank you very much for your time and attention.

Wishing you a great day, it is time to leave for today, Take care.

MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in the Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbed up the Great Wall and mountains, tried new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and wants to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby of learning about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated with his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.

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