The path to wellness on two wheels: cycling and health

Growing up as a kid in a local community reminds me of my cycling experience, every kid back then some how knew how to handle a bicycle they were fun memories while growing up, although I did not grow up to owe a bicycle but the adventure of learning how to ride one still lingers till date, as a kid little did we know about health involve in riding a bicycle all we know best back then was to paddle for fun, organise a little distance competition among friends and see who will beat a certain distance within a short time space if anyone would have told us about cycling and health back then we did probably make fun of such person and just focus on only the fun side of riding a bicycle.

Growing up and understanding the importance of health and exercise I'd be jealous of my early young self, do I still have such energy and vigor to paddle with much enthusiasm i guess maybe no, well now is even the best time to engage with more cycling as I'm gradually not getting younger as day goes by I need more exercise to stay fit and healthy.


Image from pixabay

Health is wealth and one of the best means of staying fit and keeping our body healthy requires moving our body from one spot to another there's something remarkably intriguing about embracing the simplicity of two wheels and the open road. Paddling isn't just a means of moving from one place to another it's a journey towards a healthy wellbeing.

Here are some health benefits of cycling on two wheels;

  1. Weight management and cardiovascular health: Little did i know that while cycling on two wheels out heart are engage with pumping of blood to our various vessels this process gets out muscles working, in terms of health management cycling can help increase calorie burn these depends on the duration at which one choose to pedal their bicycle, it also helps in improving our metabolic system by helping the body to convert food our heart and lungs also function properly by lowering the risk of heart disease and increasing good body cholesterol.

  2. Stress relief and mental wellbeing: while cycling we tend to focus out concentrating on the wheel while enjoying the relaxing air that comes with riding these process can help alleviate stress and increase our mental wellbeing.

  3. Enhance energy level: there is this feeling that comes with after riding our bicycle it increase our energy level and help us stay alert throughout the day.

  4. Joint lubrication: our body requires regular movement to function properly cycling helps our joints, by putting our hands and legs into motion pedaling keeps our knees, hip and ankles engaged these movements are done simultaneously thereby sending responsive messages to other vital parts of our body.

  5. Connection: lastly cycling increases a sense of connection to our body and to the world around us while enjoying the smooth ride on the wheel we are half way attached to nature and it surroundings.

In summary cycling is an approach to healthy wellbeing which benefits the body, mind and mental wellbeing. The importance of cycling and health is a lifelong partnership if we're aiming to manage your weight, reduce stress, or simply enhance our wellbeing cycling on a bike and connecting to the world around us can be a transformative experience of staying healthy and living a fitness lifestyle.

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