Biking at the old Calverton Grumman airfield I come across an old restored cemetery..

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The asphalt path is only a couple of years old and skirts the small cemetery. Before the path the cemetery was obscure. Since then boy scouts restored it. Now is a place to visit and rest along the path.

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Moving on I explore the south end of the 10,000 foot abandon runway. There is a dirt road leading up to it which few people use or know about.

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Here it is perfectly flat and almost 2 miles long.. A shame it is not being used for planes or a drag strip. In fact you could put a bunch of drag strips in here.

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Ok lets move on to the strip that runs parallel to the runway. this was used for the planes to taxi down to get on and off the runway.

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This strip is made of asphalt and is wide enough for the biggest jet airplanes.

After pedaling for awhile I see these black container like structures between the approach strip and the runway.

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Main runway in the distance with about 300 feet of grass between strips.

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Ominous looking all black padlocked temporary type little buildings. There were 2 double door ones and a single door one. Getting closer to read the writing on the doors.

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Holy crap LAUNCHER, command.

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Looked like they were functional to launch something...My guess there were missile silos under the grass strip. There were other container pods and stuff with cables connecting them all up that looked all related.

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A holding container with what looked like a space heater and fuel.

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Then in the grass area there was this eight foot, 2 foot thick temp wall. Definitely had to check that out.

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That is when I saw a truck coming straight for me on a road perpendicular to the run way.. I thought they tracked my phone taking pictures.. Paranoia strikes deep and in todays world it's reasonable.

It was a false alarm, an Amazon truck was making a delivery to a new facility nearby.

Decided to get the hell out of there and took the road back to the Jeep.

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