A Quick Ride: Cycling never gets old.

Hello dear hivers how are you? I hope you were all okay, because if you're not because you feel bored or you got nothing to do? Well your in the right blog, I hope you will enjoy reading it, what are you waiting for let's go.

Today I'm happy to share you one of my Hobbies that I won't ever abondon, and that is cycling.

I was introduced to cycling way back before and cycling in the Philippines, during that time cycling is not known and only few people do it, just like me I only ride when I feel bored 🥱.

Moving on, after the pandemic cycling here in Philippines became so famous and a Lot are already doing it, and a lot are spending enough money for the bike, that's also where I was boost to do cycling more oftenly, but sadly even I wanted to man's got a lot of responsibilities, so I came up with an idea to bike when I have a spare time.

Month of December last year 2023, I have a vacant from school and work, so I took that opportunity and text a message to our cycling group chat, I did it so someone would come with me because it's a little boring to go around cycling on your own right,
after I sent the message, few moments later my buddy replied to it He saids go. (By the way my vacant time is afternoon only that time so yeah this is a afternoon ride).

Sp I didn't waste time and getting ready for it, sadly I didn't take a picture of myself while on preparation because I was too little excited about it heheh.

So Moving on, after we meet up at the designated area, we started our quick ride. We rushed and keep on sprinting, keep on following the back of the truck that passed by because we want to get there as soon as possible, our destination is Tabogon, Port.


On the way there I only took one photo because you know we are going fast.

We departed 12:30 and we arrived there at 1:00 pm a 27 km run, took only a half an hour, I said to myself Im still not rusty. (Some cyclist reading this would say, wow what a nice endurance and durability, even you didn't have to warm up and barely started cycling again but you still run fast how amazing, that would most cyclist say, but 😄 just wait tell the end why we traveled so fast).

When we got there I was a little hungry, and I thought me and my teammate is going to have our lunch there but, he laughed and said I already eat my lunch bro and continues laughing at me🤧, I got no choice but to eat alone Im alone again (Like I usually do🤧).



There's a Food stole and I ordered these delicious one, and after the food is served I didn't waste my time and eated it, it only took me a minute to eat it, NO JOKING 😃.




After that we sat down beside the port and watch the beauty of the sea, and I took a photo of the wide and seemingly infinite Waters, we enjoyed our trip there, talk about the small modification's that we did to our bike.


And I also asked him to take a photo of me, as a. Sign or a proof of my achievements as a cyclist.

2 hours have passed by, after we satisfied our self we headed back to our place, but this time it took us almost an our before we got home, and you might be confused, why we got there so fast but going back is not that fast, so here's the thing.

We traveled so fast it's because, o the way there is almost a downhill😅
and all the way back is almost uphill, which is the very exhausting in cycling, from the port upon heading back we haven't reached the middle, but something crazy happened 🤣. There's a really long uphill and guess what we did to pass it, we walked barefoot 🤣 just to overcome the long uphill, I even forgot about taking pictures because of the exhaustion I felt, after walking a 15 minutes or more we finally rode our bike again and continued.


I took a photo while climbing a little uphill, and that time I started to feel craping and numb, but it's the fun part of cyling for me 😀.


Luckily upon heading back we survived we made it home and I took a photo of my leg's and I'm happy that I gained back my small muscle 😅 that has been gone for a while.

So what are the reasons you joined the world of cyling?

I joined Cycling simply because I want to go to the places that I never been before, yes I know it's hard specially when you have no passion for it you won't like it, but I don't just like cycling I love it it has played a important role in my life, because cycling is my way to escape problem for a short time and can give me comfortability that I'm always looking for.

Sadly this is the end of my blog, I hope you enjoyed it even it's a little corny 😅, Have a great day To us all Thank you.

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