Spring is just around the corner! / 春はすぐそこに(English&Japanese)



Today my husband went to GU and I followed him. I knew I had to buy a shirt or two for work. GU is a Japanese fast fashion brand. Like UNIQLO, it is a subsidiary of Fast Retailing and offers trendy clothes at relatively low prices. The store is located in a shopping mall about 6 km from our house, within biking distance.

There was a sprinkling of light rain until around 9:00 a.m., but it cleared up nicely after that. However, the wind was so strong that I felt wobbly and scared, especially when I was riding my bicycle on the bridge.

I am a fast shopper. Picked out two striped shirts in different colors and paid the bill. After that, I waited on the sofa outside the store until my husband finished shopping.... It seems that my husband was looking for the GU/Undercover collaboration products. He came out of the store with a big paper bag in his arms, looking satisfied.

We went to a café in the same facility and had a "Warabimochi Green Tea Latte" before heading home. Perhaps they poured too much, but the latte was overflowing.

I have a phone holder on my bike for food delivery. I bought it from Amazon two years ago for, I believe, about $13. When I make deliveries, I set my phone in this holder and follow the directions on Google Maps. Not only delivery people, but sometimes I see people riding bicycles while fiddling with their smartphones with one hand, and that should definitely not be done. There will be times when you have to run while checking the map, this holder will be very useful in such cases.

Since I started delivering, I feel like I can go anywhere as long as I have my phone and bicycle! Even places that I used to have to take the train to, I now use Google Maps to check the route first. Then I realize that there are many places that are surprisingly easy to get to by a completely different route than by train.

But to tell the truth, I have a terrible sense of direction without my phone, and although I said I can get anywhere with Google Maps, when I turn it off I have no idea where I am or where the road I'm on leads... I wonder if there is a cure for this😅

Well, today I rode about 12 km round trip. It should have been easy since I rode with an electric bicycle, but the strong winds made my legs a bit tired... and I am very sleepy as I write this... Pedaling a bicycle is surprisingly a full-body workout.

On my way home, I passed by a park and spotted a cherry tree in full bloom. This is Kawazu Sakura, an early-blooming variety that usually begins blooming in February or early March in Tokyo. If they bloom even earlier, they sometimes bloom in December.

Since today is March, it is no surprise that this cherry tree is in bloom. However, it was a bit interesting that spring seemed to be coming only around this tree, even though it was still cold and windy😊









さて、今日は往復で12キロほど走りました。電動アシスト付自転車なので楽だったはずですが、強風に煽られ、特に向かい風ではそれなりに力を使ったらしくこれを書いている今ちょっと足がだるい…そしてすごく眠い… 自転車をこぐというのは、意外と全身運動なんですね。


この桜は、通常は東京では2月から3月上旬にかけて咲き始めるとのことで、開花が早い品種のようです。早い年だと、12月に開花することもあるとか。今日から3月なので、この桜が咲いていても不思議ではないはずですが… まだまだ風が冷たく寒いのに、この木の周辺だけ春が来ているようでちょっと面白かったです。

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