Cycling under light rain / 小雨の中を走る🚴(English&Japanese)



Hello to all in the cycling community! This month, I resumed food delivery, which I had skipped for a while. Not as a customer, but as a delivery partner🚴 I will be posting to this community from now on to log deliveries and stay motivated!

It was drizzling today, but the temperature was not that cold, so it was a good day for delivery. On rainy days, people don't want to go outside, so we get more orders, and delivery people don't want to work, so my competitors are a little less competitive. I don't ride my bicycle when it's pouring down with rain because it's dangerous, but a light rain like today is very welcome. I left home around 11:30.

I am riding a Panasonic "ViVi L" electric power assisted bicycle. The "L" stands for "light," and as the name implies, it is very light. I find the lightweight model to be wonderful when I have no choice but to go up to the sidewalk or when I have to push the bike up a slope. Also, the assist is powerful, and just a little pedaling is enough to get you up to a considerable speed. It is my reassuring partner.

Today I made four deliveries in about an hour and a half. Many of the items were easy to carry, such as convenience store items or boxed lunches. Soups and drinks make me nervous because there is a high possibility of spilling them during delivery.... Finally, I received a request for ramen noodles with a total delivery distance of 8 kilometers, but I did not accept the order because I was located very far from the restaurant. If someone refuses, the request is immediately routed to another delivery person, so refusal itself is not a problem. I think it would be better to have a motorcycle delivery person take this kind of request; at 8 kilometers, it would take a lot of time by bicycle due to traffic lights and other reasons.

After I refused this request, no more orders came in, so I decided to cut off the delivery and leave. The most painful part of my delivery is the time when I don't get any orders. Sometimes I run around the city in circles until the next order comes in, but I decided to go home today because the light rain was making my body temperature drop. On my way home, I passed a park where white plum trees were in bloom, so I parked my bicycle and took some pictures.

When I returned home, the battery was down to 40%. It was 70% when I left, so that means I consumed 30% in about an hour and a half of cycling. The battery seems to be running down faster than before... I've been riding for two and a half years, so maybe that's not surprising.

I think I will have to replace it sooner or later, so I need to save up some money😂






最後に配達総距離8キロのラーメンの依頼がありましたが、店舗からかなり遠い場所にいたので受注しませんでした。誰かが拒否した場合、その依頼はすぐに別の配達員に回るようになっているので断ること自体は問題ありません。こういう依頼は、バイクの配達員に受けてもらった方が良いと思います。注文者、配達員、レストランの誰にとっても。8キロもあると、信号やその他の都合で自転車ではかなりの時間がかかってしまいます。せっかく頼んだラーメンがのびていたのでは、注文者もがっかりでしょうから・・・ 自信がない案件は、バシバシ断るようにしています(おかげで収益が伸びません😂)


家に帰ると、バッテリーは40%まで減っていました。出発時は70%だったので、1時間半ほどのサイクリングで30%消費していることになります。以前よりバッテリーの減りが早くなったような… 2年半ほど乗っているので当然かもしれませんが。


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