Cycling, A Means Of Unification

Cycling, A Means Of Unification
Most times, everyone considers cycling as a means of exercise, but after much thought, I came to conclusions about the way I feel about cycling. It is not just for exercise but for Unification.

When two friends are fighting over something worth fighting for, the only way to counterbalance their grievances is through cycling.

Pavel Daniliyuk
I only got the experience some days ago when I had a little quarrel with a friend. It was worth fighting for. I tried to avoid quarreling because it was not part of me, but then my friend kept pushing me to fight with him. After much push, I decided to let it be the way he wanted it. We quarreled and we began to keep each other in malice for about two weeks.

The funniest aspect was not far-fetched. He has a bicycle which he brings to work every day. Sometimes I collect the bicycle and go for a ride. One of our colleagues came with his bicycle as well. It is either I ride on my friend's bicycle or my colleague's bicycle.

Since we fought, I have been wanting to ride but then could not just because of the rights we had with each other. So, I have been riding on my colleague's bicycle. One day, they had to make it unique. These two, my friend and our colleague had to go for a ride in the form of competition. I was not myself when I heard it as it was supposed to be my friend and I but not my colleague.

When they came back, they were gushing about how interesting the tour was. I was so mad where I was but then put up the spirit of the strong man within me and could not voice out my worries.

Two days later, I was hungry for a bicycle. I had no choice but to walk straight to my friend and ask him to release his bicycle to me. The fact is that he also was not happy riding with our colleague as it's always fun riding together with me. He told me he wanted to ride with me just to clear our grievances.

I went to collect my colleague's bicycle and we both went on a ride. We rode for some tangible number of miles without remembering to come back to work. Meanwhile, we always go for a ride whenever we are on break. Our break always takes three hours.

We got to a tangible distance and halted. We started gisting and discussing our respective minds just for the two of us to get settled. After some time, we settled our fight and became friends again.

I later discovered that if not for the bicycle, our grievances wouldn't have been settled. There is joy in riding a bicycle and most especially two best friends.

Are you quarreling with someone? Try to make it a task to take a ride together so that you would have to settle for whatever you are fighting for. While cycling, you would have the avenue to talk over the cause of your quarrel and also talk about how to settle it majestically without a grudge.

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