A New Bicycle Or A Fairly Used; A Choice Must Be Made.

These days I have been seriously in need of things but not that I don't have the financial capacity to get all of these things. But it's just that nowadays there is a lot to settle financially and are of priority. So I have no choice but to accomplish them first.

I got into a discussion with one of my bosses recently and he was ranting about the stress he gets from trekking or taking commercial motorcycles all day.

Though some people think trekking is a form of exercise, I will agree to disagree. Only if your distance is within range, then I can accept that as a form of exercise. But when you trek a long distance and keep repeating the to and fro multiple times then you will realize trekking is not an exercise.

So he suggested he would be getting a motorbike soon since he's not financially stable enough to get a car yet. Yeah. A bike is a good idea. It will aid the stress and even make the journey faster, but the burden of having to fill up his tank is just another thing. Anyway, he had no choice but to do so.

As for me, I can't afford a bike for now and I don't have much interest in getting one. I Don't even know how to ride one. But as for bicycles, I can even do stunts with them, and ride them hands-free.

I remembered a time when we had a cool bike but it was no use to us then. I will just keep on riding it to places I am not sent to, I will sweat the hell out of my body from riding at full speed. Only if I knew that bicycles are to be ridden with ease and even as a form of exercise.

The worst thing about it was that back then when I rode and the bicycle got damaged, maybe from a flat tire or some of the parts, the bicycle would go on vacation for weeks without anyone touching it and it would go dusty too. This is because we can't afford the price for repairs.

The moment this bicycle got its gear damaged and couldn’t select gears anymore became the end of the bicycle. We took it to the bicycle repairer and he even did worse to what had happened. Since then the bicycle remained an artifact of no use.

A New Bicycle

Recently I have been thinking a lot about how to ease myself of all this stress I am passing through. I will have to get to the farm as early as 7 am and I will have to trek a long distance down there. Then I have to get back home again after the morning job is done. After a few hours of rest, I still have to return to the farm in the evening hours again. Trekking down there is a form of weakness on its own.

I thought it was high time I got a bicycle to ease my movement. This time around I am taking it slow, I will have to ride gently to the farm as a form of exercise, and then ride gently back home. And I can readily afford to pay for any repairs the bicycle needs. But what keeps coming to my mind is a choice to make.

New Bicycle or A Fairly Used Bicycle

I have pondered a lot about this decision, should I go for a new bicycle or I go for a fairly used one? If I should consider my pocket at the moment then I will be going for a fairly used one. But if I should be going for quality and productivity, then I think I should opt for a new bike.

This made me pay a visit to a bicycle store so close to my area to ask for the price of new bicycles and also that of used ones. I was told that getting a new bicycle would cost me a lot but I will enjoy it. One drawback of getting the new bicycle is the bad road we have in our locality, then bumps might be a factor that will damage the suspension of the bicycle even if it's a new one.

I want to get a fixed-gear bicycle with flat tires and a nice gear selection, or I get a BMX. These are my dream bicycles. But after making my choices, he said he didn’t have any of them. He said fixed-gear bikes are good for tarred roads and our roads are not tarred, and most times those buying them are those into cycling. So people don’t demand much of it, and also said I can't even get a BMX 😭. He added that BMX is a strong bicycle, but costly to afford and also costly to manage. But I can get it when I get to bigger stores.

The only available bicycles in his stores are mountain bicycles. I asked for the price and it's kinda affordable to get a fairly used one at that price range. Not so bad. If I could add more funds with time, I would get the bike of my dreams and that’s a fixed-gear bicycle. I don't like mountain bikes that much. Next time I have a chance to visit other places I will check out the price of getting a fixed gear or a BMX.


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