Never give a chance to 'Comparison'!

Comparison became a disease in modern days. As it becomes very easy to see what's going on in others' life through different social media so knowingly or unknowingly we all start to compare ourselves with others. It's not just about our appearance anymore, it's about everything. Everything is so open nowadays and that's why we compare everything.



The question we always ask ourselves is 'am I good enough'? It creates a chain reaction that comes with lots of negativity. It has a huge impact on our self-esteem and creates a barrier in our self-development.

We need to understand that, we don't live for meeting social expectations. Our journey is very different and our own. But in this 'show off' society we almost forget that and compete over it. Now the question is, can we go opposite the flow? Is this possible?

  • It's totally possible to make ourselves centered and grounded to follow our own soul. Connecting with thyself is the biggest thing that can help us get rid of this toxic social behavior. Focusing on our own journey may seem hard at first and gradually we can set that on our mind.

Comparisons can't give us any satisfaction. It increases stress, negativity and, anxiety. Focusing on our self-journey can make us different. But trying to make us fit, perfect in society's eyes is an endless competition. So, it's better to not go with the flow and rather focus on our own. Yeah, meeting social expectations is necessary but it can be done positively. It doesn't require any comparison.

Remember, we all are different and there's no room for comparison. So, better not give it a chance to ruin your life. Take control of your life and keep your own journey!

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