Himalayan trekkers life

Hello namaste to all hive users who reach my post.how are you all i hope you all are doing good and enjoying your life with your loved ones.

Climbing in the Himalayas is a very exciting and risky adventure in itself.People's interest in it is increasing year by year. And every year many people lose their lives in it.Even then, fond people continue to do this. However, doing this adventure is also not everyone's thing because it requires a good budget.In today's time, there are mountaineering courses which are run by the government.It seems simple to see, as if anyone would take it. But when someone does even a small climb, it is known what it is.

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Himalayan climb is mostly done in the summer season because at that time a good weather is available.And for those who climb it becomes a little easier.
It is important to have a good budget for climbing because whatever tools are used during climbing are very expensive.And a Himalayan climber also has a lot of luggage because there are no hotels or rooms on the Himalayas. So he has to take his own tent with him. In which he can spend the night and the tents should also be of minus degree.Also the sleeping bag should be of minus degree.

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I found the best thing about Himalayan Trekking people is that they take care of each and every member of their team.If something happens to someone during trekking or someone falls ill and is not fit to go ahead, everyone brings him back.Those people also do not do further tracking.This thing is taught to them during their training that how to manage the team and stop the climb when needed.I have heard many stories in which trekkers came back during trekking.But in high height climbing it becomes difficult even to come on your own. In this, they also need an oxygen cylinder because there is a lack of oxygen there.Most of the deaths are due to being buried in avalanches.Hyperthermia occurs due to cold, this is also a major reason for death.

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It seems to me that we will climb like this, but if a normal person climb, then his breath will start to swell in few distance.
Before going trekking, a good training is required, which includes things like his diet and different exercises like cardio, flexibility, yoga.

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Setting up a tent and making arrangements for food after reaching a peak is also a big task for trekkers.They have limited food and water and they have to survive in that.The temperature is very low during the night, due to which the cold is also felt more. All these things happen only for peak summit.For which he has been working for so long.

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Finally, after working so hard, when the summit is reached, the happiness that one feels is a different kind of happiness which not everyone can feel.After stopping there for a while to celebrate the summit, they have to come back as well. They have to pass through same dangerous paths again.This is what makes a trekker the real joy.

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