Swimming is my hobby and choice of exercise


Swimming is one of my best activities which I can't get exhausted doing. Some days have been sacrificed for this pleasant activity because of its numerous benefits. Let me share with you some of its importance.


Everyone needs to be fit physically. If our muscles are not exercised regularly, we will be affected negatively. Being fit regulates our internal and external body's part thereby preventing illnesses. We will gain meaningful, when we keep our body fit at all times.

There are many ways to keep our body fit. These forms of exercise needs supervision and professional management so as to be effective. Everyone can choose any types of exercise that suit their interests and desires. In my case, I prefer swimming because I am not hydrophobic but get scared at height. Although not professional, but swimming at my level not only makes me happy, but keep me fits and healthy.


Swimming is best exercise for certain people of body types. Fatty and weighted People prefers this form of exercise. It's a low impact kind with no injuries records.

Swimming makes in weight management. It burns excess fat and regulate the body weight optimally. I lives more sedentary lifestyle because of my shop but swimming offer a great opportunity of managing my weight and health.


Life is full of stress and anxieties. Stress does not improve lives but depressed us more. Being healthy means that we are from such stress and anxiety. We really need a reliever?

Swimming is a perfect stress reliever. It have a cool effect on the body and nerves. It tells a story of peaceful conditions and achievements. During swimming, nothing bothers anyone but happiness overflows.



In the water bodies, there are many fun seeking games and sports that attract a lot of people. We become friends and engage with each other socially. With those friends of us, many opportunities are open and achievements too.

Thanks @neoxianprompt for this topic and platform to express ourselves.

Posted using Neoxian City

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