An act of kindness from a stranger

In the journey of life, we meet different people at every stage of our lives, some impact our lives positively while some negatively. At times we wish we met some people earlier while we wish we never met some due to the experiences we had with them. But one way or the other, there are certain sets of people we will wish they remained in our lives for life.

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Some people that we refer to as strangers are angels in human form, they tend to come into our lives and change the story to a more pleasant and interesting one. Some strangers will do to you what family cannot do, then you will be wishing for such a person to be your family. At every stage of our lives, every individual we meet has one or two duties to perform then and when they've completed them, they leave that's when we see those people as the set of people that are not meant to stay with us as we journey in life.

I do appreciate every individual I met in my journey in life, I tried as much as possible to maintain a good relationship with friends and family, appreciating everyone's sacrifices but one thing I have never done and will never do is force a relationship. When it's time for them to leave, I let them do so peacefully, that is respecting one another's decision.

I've been blessed with so many people around me, some of which are not family and not closely related by blood but became friends from being a stranger. There was a time when I was in debt and I needed money as fast as possible, there was no one to turn to for help as everyone was complaining about the economic condition of the country.

Earlier before the debt crisis, I met a young man who became a good friend and we've been on talking terms as friends. He is a stranger I must say because I was just getting to know him. Naturally, it is not ideal for me to ask someone I just met for assistance related to finances.

It took me a long while before I could bring myself to ask him for assistance as there was no one I could turn to anymore. When I asked him, I wasn't expecting a favorable reply because as a lady, I thought he would see it as a way of taking advantage of his kind heart. So I already made up my mind that, he would give me an excuse and I would have to look elsewhere for help even though I needed the money urgently.

I went ahead to ask for his assistance and unlike my thoughts, he agreed to help and immediately, he sent the money to me. I was so surprised because I couldn't believe anyone would do that for someone they just met and knew virtually nothing about but he did. To me, that was an immeasurable act of kindness from a stranger. He helped me out of that difficult situation I found myself in when I needed that help desperately, what could have been better than getting someone to pull off a burden from one's shoulder?

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

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