I Don't See You.


I am very intentional about my mental state
It's alarming to see how negativity it's moving at a faster rate
Everyone you come across wants to flex power and berate
Put them on a level scale, they are as light as an empty crate
They are always good with numbers and every specific date
Embracing toxicity and negativity as though it's their fate
They bring nothing to the plate but still feeds you toxicity at the gate
Their words speak of peace and love but their heart is filled with hate
They are filled with façade...always prompt and never late
Sometimes you know them when they play the age card; "I am not your mate"
I laugh inside because crankiness and moodiness is what they feed on the plate
No one can help them at this rate
I don't see them...I act non-challant with them
Once I spot you are filled with drama, I am not inclined to attend your show
Life is filled with a lot of people who just love arguments -
The only thing they are good at...trying to play holier than thou
Life is filled with a lot of toxic people but you have a choice
A choice to attend their party or close the door behind you
The moment they start speaking ill of others to you, get ready
Get ready because a day it would be your turn and they will keep it steady
Everything is always wrong with everyone except themselves
Like a lantern that can see everywhere except it's own base
You are filled with drama and toxicity, sorry but not sorry, I don't see you
You always stir up drama with nothing else to offer, I don't see you
You don't see good in others and you mostly highlight your own goodness, I still don't see you
Because I would rather have others speak of your praise
Than to have you sound your horn because you want to appear noble

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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