

Their span and cycle of life,
Fast paced and short,
But each stage of their growth,
Means a lot to their existence.
From being an egg, to a larva,
Being a pupa and then an adult.

At the stage of being an egg,
They understand that it's a time to fly,
Not even a time to crawl
But a time to be in a shell and gather
Strength and energy for what's ahead,
What awaits them outside.

At the stage of being a larva,
They are outside but not fully out,
A little crawl here and there,
Tiny little steps of uncertainty,
The fear of what comes next envelopes them,
The enthusiasm to see their full grown self surrounds them.

At the stage of being a pupa,
Fully matured but without wings,
Grown but not living their full lives yet.
They see the needs to have colours in their lives,
The need to be beautiful and pleasing to the eyes,
Their moment of desperation, it is.

At the stage of being an adult,
They are now called a "butterfly",
Beautiful and pleasing to the eyes,
Yet vulnerable to danger and attack,
They live their fullest but for a while,
Before their lives are taken away.

The lifespan and cycle of a butterfly,
Short and fast paced, but each stage of
Their growth means a lot to their existence.
They live for a while but leave beautiful memories
Of how colourfully they lived,

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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