Create your own masterpiece


Great Achievements are not bestowed, but acquired. Success inherited is soon lost, but success acquired is success sustained. You were created to do great things, to stand out not to blend in. The world will make room for you when you have something new to offer. Untill it is new, it doesn't make news.

"The crowds will naturally go to the main attraction..."
(John 3:29)

"If you want to succeed, you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success."
-John O. Rockefellers Jr.

Cultivate a discontent for everything mediocre. Always approach your ultimate - the best possible - then, improve again. In whatever arena, no matter your calling in life - a surgeon, lawyer, banker, preacher, etc.

Whatever you have to do clothe it with excellence; lace it with great thoughtfulness. If you want to see what no man has ever seen, get ready to do what no man has ever done. To stay in front you must break new frontiers!

Nothing is against you; God is working in your favour. Don't let present circumstances deter you from becoming the best available; rather let adversity propel you to great accomplishments. Take advantage of your adversity, to think on a higher level.

As a husband, wife, employer, employee, entrepreneur, whatever you are, always demand your best from yourself.

"A person always doing his best or her best becomes a natural leader by example".
-joe DiMaggio

Don't be satisfied with the mile, go the extra mile. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing outstandingly.

"Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thine might (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

There is a genius in everyone, but not everyone is bringing out the genius in him. You must become a master; know everything about something; study, research, experiment, inquire - for inquirers soon become acquirers - you can do it. Accept no excuses for mediocrity. Break down the world's mould and build yours!.

Creating a masterpiece will demand you locating what shouts the most in your being.

"Always remember that you're good at, and stick with something you love to do".
-F. E. Zegna

Something you've always dreamt about doing, feel good and fufilled when involved with it. If you want the world to applaud you go find that hidden place in your nature. No one ever becomes a master at what he hates; it is always what you love.

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