Neoxian City: Writing Prompt #6 – Toppers

Dear Hivers,
It was another successful month for the sixth Neoxian City writing prompt. Many authors showcased their creativity by making use of the five given words to write their stories. We went on a journey whilst reading fun and interesting stories - all with lessons to be learnt.

As always, it was difficult to select the winners and honorable mentions. However, everyone was a "Topper"! Thanks for your participation.

Reminder - please do not forget to adhere to the Guidelines. Your effort is appreciated. AI content is easily detectable. When selection is difficult - Guidelines matter.

The Toppers!!

These top posts receive an equal share of the posts rewards - 7.36 Hives plus 500 neoxags**!!

The Top 5 posts selected (order is random):

Unforgettable Experiences In The Company Of A Friend At The Mechanic's Workshop by @udezee

During the summer of 2010 (although in Nigeria it was the rainy season), a friend of mine named Chike received a car gift from his brother who lived abroad. I still vividly recall how excited Chike was when he broke the news to me at my Mum's grocery store. I also got caught up in the euphoria of the moment and congratulated him on becoming a car owner.

When love comes knocking by @george-dee

Dija noticed footsteps approaching her room and quickly buried her head under the duvet.
"Oh, she's still sleeping. That's strange", Anna muttered as she flung the door open.
"Hey babe, is everything alright? You didn't eat dinner last night and are still in bed by this time of the day", Anna asked but Dija didn't move or utter a word.

The youngest author award by @protokkol

Maira is just sixteen years of age, she's the youngest author of her time and she wrote books and some novels even while schooling in karachi city of pakistan. Maira at her young age, already made over twelve books but published none of them. Her works were hidden from the sights of readers and other authors this was because maira had little or no financial support to publish her books.

Memorable visit of my nephew to Pakistan by @rosecane

My eldest brother, who lives in Sweden, usually visits us in Pakistan once a year. However, last year was something special as my brother decided to bring along his eldest son and spend his summer vacation with us in Pakistan.

It's never too late for a good deed by @iamchuks

It was a bright summer morning in the City of Lagos. John was awake and ready to search for a new job in the heartbeat of the busy City, but before he could step outside of his small apartment his memory flashback to his mother giving him advice before he departed to the City

The honorable mentions

These honorable posts receive 2 Hives each from the posts rewards.

The honorables selected (order is random):

A summer outing experience.. by @princess-dara

It was summer time and everything seems dry and the heat was not letting me stay cool in the house. Every day, I always feel like going to the beach to cool off but I don't want to go alone and Tom my lover is always busy at work.

Love was what I gave by @rare-gem

Summer isn't always free for me, but last summer I decided to give myself a break and enjoy my love life with my fiancee, who is always as busy as I am, but we decided to create time to enjoy our time together and share our genuine emotions for each other

The mystery adventure to summer by @merit.ahama

Adriana, don't let strangers come inside the house, we will be back before you know it...
Those were the last words she heard as she was lost in a daze thinking about summer.

A scary summer experience by @floraada

Summer is here again when I take my leave from the office to rest from my busy schedule and hard work. I had a beautiful plan to visit another city after which visit my family and friends and also see beautiful places and eat my favourite food - White soup and pounded yam.

Arrested robbers by @lightpen

The summer heat was huge and as a result, we had to pack our curtains to the side for proper ventilation.
I went to bed relatively early but sleep wasn't forthcoming. My parents and siblings were fast asleep while I was lying down reflecting on the many issues confronting me

The first 10 posts

These first 10 posts receive a prize of 200 neoxags each. Check your wallets!!

Congratulations to all!!

Many thanks to all participants
@shemzy @kristowe @jjmusa2004, @rare-gem, @merit.ahama @marriot5464 @george-dee, @princess-dara @lightpen @chidistickz @floraada @rosecane, @protokkol @udezee @dwixer @balikis95 @iamchuks

The Top idea for a prompt: there were no entries this month. Do not forget there is a prize of 500 neoxag for the top prompt idea.

If you have any questions - please do not hesitate to ask me in the comments or in the following Discord channels: Neoxian City – city-prompt or Neoxian City – general-chat-english.

See you on Tuesday 18 July 2023 for Prompt #7!!!

We are thankful to all our sponsors – @neoxian, @bdvoter, @brofi, @xawi and @ecency.

Credits to @vickoly for designing the Neoxian City Prompt image. Thank you

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