My thoughts on "Back curation"

Dear Hive,

I'm trying not to make a big deal out of this, but I want to share my thoughts on "back curation".

There is a temporary situation that has been created by Hard fork 25, that allows curators to basically steal the curation away from those unfortunate to have voted on a post before HF 25. And yes I understand it's temporary and will be over in about 5 days now, and things will go back to "normal".

Before Hardfork 25After Hardfork 25
Curation awards ==>awards being stolen from pre 25

This post by Acidyo has more detail on it


I work hard for my curation

I just want to make one thing clear. I actually work hard on my curation. I don't sit back and have an auto-voter do my votes. I vote with my own fleshy finger each day, spending a considerable amount of time on it. The curation I made is my reward, or payment for my hard work.

Back curation is theft

Sorry, this probably isn't what you want to hear, but I view this back curation as theft, pure and simple. Let's say I voted (pre hf 25)on a post with my 460k power and I would be earning 8 hive on that vote, and then some little guy with 2000 hive votes on it and gets 7.8 hive, well that's pretty unfair to me leaving me with only 0.2 hive.

Hey Neoxian, you should back curate too!

Someone stole my bike, so let me go out and steal other people's bikes. No thank you, I don't plan on back curating. At least, not on purpose, perhaps a few stray votes of mine may do that, but it won't be intentional.

The way witnesses are handling it

Most witnesses seem to have decided to let this situation go, and just back curate themselves, some of them may burn the proceeds or donate it to the Hive Fund, which is fine if they actually do that.

The correct thing to do would have been to fix the bug, and/or possibly freeze the few rogue accounts that abused this in a big way, and/or just find away to return curation to it's rightful owners.

But this is too much work, and it makes Hive look bad, and another hard fork would make Hive look bad, so I understand the logic and strategy of how it's being handled.

I'm taking one for the team

So I'm going to go for about a week without my usual curation awards, for the good of Hive I suppose, just like I got 40k worth of Steem stolen from me. But hey, I'm a big evil whale and deserve to be stolen from right? Derpy derp, whatever.

I don't plan on making a big deal out of this; I'm not going on a crusade.

I suppose I just wanted to bitch in this post.

Have a nice day!

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