Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: WHY I USE FLAME MONKEY IN FIRE UNIT?

Hello Splinterlands Fighters! Hows everyone? I hope you all are NICE!
As for me I am good. And I
choose the Fire Unit battle Include
Flame Monkey for participating
on Splinterlands Social Media
Challenge! by @splinterlands .
Alright lets talk to the main topic!

@splinterlands said that as

Let's get SPLINTERLANDS trending!

We want your best, most exciting posts about Splinterlands! Got a battle that is too good not to share? Have you created something amazing? Do you have thoughts on stats, cards, abilities, gameplay? We want it all! And we want it to be awesome.

Flame monkeys often attack from the front of the battle, reducing the enemy's attack power and allowing their own army to win...

Firstly you can watch my FLAME
MONKEYs battle video in the under

BATTLE VIDEO Sharing On Youtube


I think you might like my sharing
battle video.


Flame monkeys often attack from the front of the battle, reducing the enemy's attack power and allowing their own army to win.

Card type: Rare
Unit: Fire
Attack Damage: 1
Ability: No
Mana: 1

Regal Peryton has one more ability
from level 6 to 10.


I would like to share you about why
I use Flame Monkey in fire unit. And
I would like to share you about the
battle. Flame Monkey has 1 attack
2speed and 2 health. The best thing
of this card is only 1 mana cost.
So if you are fire unit lover you
might like this card. This card is
very useful in the fire unit battle.

Which position can I place this card?

You can use this Flame Monkey
card in the first position front of
your tank monsters. So Flame
Monkey can take damages behalf
of your tank monster.

Which unit is best to counterattack?

Life, Fire and Death is the best to
counterattack. They can give super attack damages to the first
position monster tank.

I choose TARSA for my summoner
Then I placed FLAME MONKEY for
the first position, LIVING LAVA for
the second position, Serpentine
SPY for the third position and Spark
Pixies for fourth position. The mana
cap is 18 for this battle. I predicted
the enemy may use Death Unit
summoner and he used as my prediction Dragon with Death unit.


Round: 1

On the first round the all enemy
monsters add +1 defence because
of his summoner. Also all my
monsters add +1 attack and +1
health because of my summoner.
At that time I worried because all
enemy monsters have +1 defence
and they can take super damages
one time. I lost my 1 monsters and the enemy did not lose any monsters. However there had
no problem in roun one. I lost
Flame monkey for damages taken
on behalf of tank monster.

And the enemy magic monsters
gain +1 health in round one
because of their ability. So I thought
this battle is not easy and I may

Round: 2

In the round two we could kill the
the first position of enemy monster
which can give super damages.
But the enemy magic monsters
gained healths. Still did not easy
to win this battle in round two.
Because they have +1 defence.

Round: 3

In this round 3 I did not lose any my
monsters. and we killed the enemy
magic monster. Because the enemy
has no monsters which can give
much damages.

Round: 4

I worried for my monsters. Because
I lost first position monsters. At
that time I had only low health
monsters left.

Round: 5

In round five we could kill another
magic monster and this ensured
that I won.

Round: 6

There had only one enemy monster
left and we killed him. Finally We
won this battle.


Flame monkey took damage on my
tank's behalf and protected it, so
my tank was able to last longer
during the battle and lead the army
to victory. And Flame monkey card
mana cost is only 1. So its suitable
for both low and high mana cap

How do you think?

Do you like my Flame monkey battle?

Thats all my dear readers and I
hope you enjoy to read my post
See you soon...

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Post creator : @myanmarkoko
From : Myanmar
Name: KoKoMoeHein


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