How to study effectively ?

Many of us think that if you read well during the exam or if you study well from 1 month before the exam, it is possible to get good results in the exam. Or set aside some topics that you will remember well if you read them before the exam. Such thoughts are not an example of an effective study. Because of the things that we do later or leave during the test, but it is not possible to do it before the test due to other pressures. At that time we try to memorize that topic or omit it. Because at that time it would be better to memorize the topic than to spend time reading something else.Some things depend on studying effectively. First is our family. Well-educated or well-educated depends on the family. Because you have to spend a certain amount of money on studying to get a good education. Which is beyond the reach of many families or there are many families who do not like to spend more money on education. It's just that their kids want to do things that aren't right. In addition to spending a lot of money on effective studies, you have to be interested in your own studies. There are many families who have not been able to spend much money for their children's education but because of their good results they have got scholarships in school or college and with that money they have been able to improve their lives and studies a lot. But not everyone is the same. I am talking about those who have to study the night before the exam to get good results.


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Why we omit any topic. Maybe we don't understand that well or we don't have any knowledge about that. If you do tuition with a good teacher, you will be able to understand things that you did not understand before. In addition, if your family members such as parents or older siblings take care of what they have read, their tendency to do well in exams increases a lot. But that is up to a certain time and limit. This is because if the members of the family take care of the children more and get involved in the private life of the children, it can go bad. Because you can take care of your children's education up to school level or college level. But then the children have to take care of themselves on their own studies. And if it is possible for them to develop a good mindset before this stage, then they are more likely to go to a better stage in life.

You have to practice reading continuously. It is used differently by different people. Because some people can read continuously for a long time but some people cannot read for half an hour continuously. So much actually depends on your practice. Those who cannot read continuously do not find any entertainment in reading. Just like when we go to play games or watch TV, we don't get the thing in reading which is why we can't read continuously for a long time. Many people study music on their mobile phones to avoid it. This thing is useful for arithmetic but not for memorizing anything. That is why we have to change the reading strategy. Must be read according to a specific time. And without reading too much on a topic for a long time, you have to divide the time into different topics. After reading a topic for a long time, you will take another tip and after a certain time you will read the previous topic again, then your tendency to remember will increase.

You have to change your lifestyle. Because you have to understand what you can do to make your studies better. And we have to work accordingly. Because many have a reading table in the drawing room, you can't focus on reading when a guest comes to your home. Many feel that such things have no effect on them. Their subjects are different. But it happens to everyone that they can't read if they hear any loud noise or words from outside. Place the reading table where you can read carefully. Keep in touch with your friends who are good at studying. Follow the rules of their studies. It can bring you a lot of good things.

Small mistakes should be given much importance in studying. We don't care about small mistakes in our studies. But we make more mistakes during the test. We can realize that later. As a result we have to face many problems. Because the way you set up something in your brain, when you go to write it, the set will come out as output. At that time your mistake will not be noticed. For this you have to correct the mistakes and practice the right again and again. So that you can write it correctly during the test.The style of reading and the ability to remember are different for each other. What you can remember if you read it for two hours, many people can't remember even if you read it for a long time. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Because for a while our parents will care but they don’t always set. One has to take care of one's own studies. And you have to prepare yourself in advance for that time.

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