
Sometimes it's easy to forget how far you've come, especially when you become overwhelmed by everything around you. I look at my life right now comparing it to how I was two years ago and even a year ago and I can say without a doubt that I am far better. My sister was talking some days back and mentioned that we are now better than we were at the beginning of the year. I took time out to think about it and truth be told, I am way better. The height I have reached today was one I could only imagine two years ago and if I'm to be sincere it all did not come cheap, and it also wasn't all my hand work either.


Two years ago up until late last year all I wanted to do was make a difference, be a part of something, and be among those making it work. I wanted to provide solutions to problems so that I can be valued for my work. Today I spend more than half my day providing solutions to people's needs that I have forgotten was all I could ever dream of some time ago. I am seen as an expert in my field, and daily people come asking for advice, or solutions to whatever they have going on with their businesses especially in the area of digital marketing, web design and development and now cyber security. It's funny how I moved from the guy at the corner trying to gain recognition to the guy needed to make it work.


Last year in a bid to become someone I could be proud of, I offered to work for a company for almost free with the hopes that they will see my hard work and take me seriously. But then it was the other way round. There was already a guy there paid to do the things I was doing, and even though he wasn't as consistent as I was, he was good at his job and had already gained recognition before I came into the company. I was being paid 5,000 naira monthly (About $3.2) and the letter started getting 10,000 naira ($6.4) monthly which was the highest they paid me for my work. Soon the manager of the company saw an opening for my skill set and contacted me about it.


Everything that has happened afterwards has been nothing short of a miracle. Today I make more than 50 times what I made in the former company where I worked. I'm recognized as a person of value and people pay to learn from me. It wasn't an easy journey, I've been used, mocked and deprived of my rights plus felt I wasn't worthy to achieve the things I hoped for until the life changing opportunity came for me. Today I will say I have archived the first step to my pursuit of purpose. There are a lot of things I still hope for, but I know with time, consistency and hard work, I will have more stories to tell.


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