The ransom



The cold steel of the dagger gleamed in the dim light as the kidnapper approached his helpless victim.

She knew at that moment, that man was nothing more than a servant of evil, a mere instrument of the true demon who controlled everything from the shadows.

Reaching for the neck of his prey to slit his jugular, the dark ritual was about to be consummated. But then, the miracle came in the form of a roar that tore through the night.

The hijacker turned just in time to see the black windows exploding into a thousand pieces. Dozens of Metropolitan Police officers were bursting into his lair, guns blazing. They were outnumbered and outgunned.

For an instant, everything froze. Time seemed to stand still as the depraved man evaluated his options with dagger in hand. Resistance would be futile, he knew, but the temptation to succumb to the evil that possessed him was almost overwhelming.

Then, the voice of the head of the operation brought him out of his trance:

-Drop the gun and surrender! It's all lost!

The barrel of the gun was pointed straight at his head. In his eyes, the kidnapper saw the cold and lethal determination to take him down if he made a single false move.

Defeated, the dagger blade fell to the ground with a metallic clink. Raising his arms, he surrendered to the forces of order that had succeeded in overcoming the darkness that almost consumed him completely.

The nightmare was over, evil had been bent once again. But in his lost gaze, everyone knew that the real demon was still lurking, waiting for his next opportunity to strike.

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