A night

With no one's concept I took my dad's bike. Roll it quietly out of the house with maximum care so as not to make any sound that will call to anybody's attention.

It was a wonderful Saturday evening after accomplishing all my house chores I decided to visit my girlfriend. It's just barely 3 weeks since I met her but it seems like we have been together for almost a year. Her love in my head knew no bounds as I couldn't wait to see her beautiful smile.

I successfully rolled it out of the house with no one noticing me, I rolled it a little bit further so as no one will hear the sound when I start it, all these was an already accomplished mission to me, my joy knew no bound I kicked the bike and with a broad smile on my face i held the clutch and then put it on gear.

It was a smooth ride as I whistled the sound of love and shook my head.

I rode straight to her street.

It's a 25 minute drive from my place to her house in a short while I was in her place. I trusted my dad's bike so well that I had no problem with my Transportation so I used some money on me to buy some fruit for her.

She was already in front of their house waiting for my arrival, just like a big boy. I parked my bike right at the side of her house and we sat on a wooden constructed bench under a tree right in front of her house.


I gave her the fruits i got on my way coming, she sat next to me as we discussed love. It was a romantic session with no one to disrupt but the session only ended in sweet words and of course songs since we were seated outside.

After spending so much time it was becoming dark and I needed to go home but I was less concerned because I knew I would meet up with time since I came with a bike.

After all is said and done I still have to go back then.

At that point I made a mistake I have always tried to avoid. I gave her the remaining money I had with me not having a second thought of what If I have needed the money to fix something while going home.

I bid her goodbye, started my bike and again moved but this time not at the speed I used while coming to see her I was a bit fast but then something funny but not funny happened.

My fuel got finished and there was no dime on me. That was when it occurred to me that Love is crazy.
At that time I was just 5 minutes away from her house and with a bike I had to drive 20 minutes extra but what if I am using my leg it means it will be close to 45 minutes but now I do not only need to walk but have to push a bike as well, it would have just been easy if I had gone back to her to collect some money so I can get fuel but my pride as big boy will rather prefer I push that bike home.

That night was the funniest night of my night. I laughed at my stupidity as I pushed that bike home. Trust me I used 1 hour from the point where the bike stopped to my house.

Ever since then no matter what happens there must be some money in my pocket incase of the unknown.

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