As the sun rose on the horizon, .....

As the sun rose on the horizon, it became clear what had happened.

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like he has been doing for the past few weeks, talking silently on the phone with people I don't know, without letting me hear their discussion. Stepping outside to pick up his calls.

Today, he nervously took his ringing cell phone while we were still in bed and kissed me on the cheeks to be sure I was still asleep.

While I pretended not to be aware of what he was doing, he stepped silently and walked away to the sitting room.

Is he cheating on me? no, no, no, he better not. But why has he changed all of a sudden? leaving my presence to pick up his calls? He was never like this, this is driving me crazy. Today I will have to tell him my mind, he just has to explain to me why he chose to become so mysterious, leaving me to wonder in my little brain. And he better give me a very good explanation or else….hmmm.

These were my thoughts and some more rumblings going on, in my head, as I left the bedroom, silently to avoid him not to hear the sound of my toes. Gently walked towards the sitting room so I could hear whom he was talking to on the phone this time around.

But just before I took the last step of the staircase down the sitting room, the rising sun outside hadn't reached the room just yet, and everywhere was still a bit dark.

The whole curtains of the room were at the same time shifted to one side of the windows, by God knows who. This allowed the bright sunrise outside to illuminate the room and bring out to life the beautiful decoration that had taken place. Probably before I was up from bed that morning.

At a glance, I could spot my favorite things, beautiful flowers, royal candle lights, balloons well placed at their appropriate places, cakes, and many ramped presents in the corner of the room.

As I was still trying to figure out if I was dreaming or if this was all real, It caught my attention, the faces in the room, smiling and cheering me on.

I wanted to say Mom... how did you get here? But my mouth was only wide open without a word coming out.

My best friend Marry, my former boss with whom we happened to be very close, Dad, and my siblings were all smiling at me.

and just before anyone could satisfy my curiosity by answering my question they all started singing a Happy Birthday 🎉 song.

'Happy birthday to you.............'

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He came from nowhere, probably where he had been standing all this while and watching my reaction to his surprise package, and whispered into my ear

Happy birthday to you darling wife🥰 I'm sorry I have been taking all those calls behind your back, I just wanted to surprise you.

I held my breath as I could barely breathe and all I could muster was you could have killed me but thank you and I'm grateful for bringing all the important people in my life into my birthday celebration.

And then, the celebration begins.....

This is a fictional thought in response to this month's Neoxian City Prompt #11. Feel free to leave me some comments, thank you very much for stopping by and for your support.

...The End...

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